Chapter 2

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As the train moves, Enadira tries to find a place to sit. As she progresses along the train, she notices that there aren't many seats available until she comes across a single booth with two guys. Poo Enadira nicely opens the door slightly and says, "Hello, I was wondering if there's any room." "Everywhere else is packed," she told these two boys, who were sitting on opposite sides. They both looked at each other and nodded. The young boy with brown hair and glasses said "Not at all" and motioned for a seat.

Enadira returned his small smile with a "Thank you" and sat down next to the boy with ginger hair. He gave out his hand. "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley," he said. She shook his hand after a brief moment of recognition. "Enadira, Enadira Cromwell," she said. Ron's expression suddenly changed, as did his demeanor. "Oh," he said as they slowly parted hands. "I can see you're anxious; it's understandable to be overwhelmed, but I'm just like any other wizard," Enadira explained with a gentle smile.

Ron nods while the other boy is slightly confused, but he still looks at her. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter," he said. Enadira became conscious and surprised. Every wizard in the world recognizes Harry Potter, and he is sitting right next to her. "Well, well, it's very nice to meet you, Harry; your reputation precedes you," she said with a smirk. "Er, thanks," he said with a nod.

"So do you know anything of the wizarding world or not yet?" Enadira asked Harry. "Ron here has been telling me things; he's a pureblood," he said to her. "I'm assuming you are too?" he asked her. Enadira appreciated how Harry didn't know her name because he was speaking to her normally. "Oh no, I'm just like you, a half-blood," she said. Ron felt a little more at ease because Harry trusted her.

"Do you have any siblings, Enadira?" Ron asked her. "Nope, I'm an only child." "It's just me and my grandmother," she said. "You don't have any parents?" Harry asked. "Er, they're dead," Enadira pointed out. Harry realized that she was just like him. "So who's excited about going to Hogwarts?" Ron asked the both of them to change the subject. "Well, since it's our first year, I'm pretty sure it's all three of us," Harry joked.

Just then, a sweet old lady with a trolley full of all types of sweets knocked on the door. "Anything off the trolley, dearies?" she asked the three of them. Before Harry and Enadira answered, Ron took out two small sandwiches. "No thanks, I'm all set," he said to the sweet old lady. Harry understood that feeling and went for his pocket to grab his galleons. "We'll take the lot," he said. "Woah," Ron and Enadira said. The old lady gave all types of sweets and candies to the three of them and went off.

"Thank you, Harry," Enadira said and grabbed a pumpkin pastry along with lemon drops and a chocolate frog. "Yeah, thanks," Ron said, and he was already eating jelly slugs next to Harry while Harry was looking at a box of candy. "Bertie botts every flavor Beans?" he asked Ron. "They mean every flavor; there's chocolate and peppermint, and also... spinach, liver, and tripe," Ron explained to Harry. "George swore he got a Bogey-flavor one once," Ron said to Harry as he took out a jelly bean from his mouth.

Harry then took notice of the chocolate frog. "These aren't real frogs, are they?" Harry asked them. Enadira chuckled. "It's just a spell," she said. "Forget the spell, it's the cards you want inside!" Ron pointed out. "Each pack has a famous witch or wizard card inside," he said to Harry. As Harry opened the box, a chocolate frog leaped out and threw itself out of the window. "Well, that was interesting to witness," Enadira said as she sucked on a lemon drop and then looked inside Harry's box. "Who'd you get, Harry?" she asked him.

Harry looked inside and took out the card. "I've got Dumbledore!" he exclaimed. "I have about six of him," Ron said. "How many cards do you have?" Enadira asked Ron. "500 cards," he said. "Woah," Enadira and Harry both said. Enadira opened her chocolate frog, which made one hop and turned into chocolate. She took out her card. "I got Merlin," she said, showing the card to them.

First year: A stoned heart professorWhere stories live. Discover now