Chapter 10

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It was now the third day of Christmas break, and four days remained until Christmas. Enadira's gift for Severus took a little longer than expected. She had to wait for the candle to dry for a good amount of days, so today she was going to start on the design she plans to make on the candle by carving delicately. She decided that the design would be a snake, as it symbolized his house. Almost everyone was gone for the holidays, as few students and staff remained at Hogwarts.

As Enadira was in the common room working on the candle design, Ron and Harry appeared. They noticed she was working on something. Hey, Enadira," the boys both said, while she gave a nod. Hm," she said. "What are you working on?" Harry asked. Enadira stopped carving and looked up at Harry. "I'm carving a snake on this candle; it's a Christmas gift," she said and went back to work. "For who?" Harry asked her. "I can't say it's for Severus," Enadira thought, and quickly came up with a response. "It's for my grandmother," she said.

"I thought you got your grandmother a scarf," Ron said. "Er, well, I decided that a candle would be better," she said. "Alright, well, we'll be off," Ron said as he nagged Harry. "Yeah, see you later, Enadira," Harry said. Enadira waved off as she worked on carving.

Two hours had already passed, and the carving of the snake on the black candle was still not finished. Enadira sighed. "I need a break," she said as she put the candle and the carving equipment on her nightstand. She decided to go for a walk around the school. Since school was no longer in session, Enadira wore a cozy winter outfit.

 Since school was no longer in session, Enadira wore a cozy winter outfit

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As she was walking, she heard a bit of commotion happening. Enadira stopped walking and froze. She heard two people, and she recognized a voice: "Severus," she thought, and she hid behind a pillar wall. Professor Quirrel walked past where Enadira was hiding, and Snape was right behind him. "I- I don't know how t-the troll got I-in, Severus," Quirrel said.

"They're still trying to figure out how the troll got into the school on Halloween." Enadira thought and listened in on their conversation. "Quirrel, your job as the professor of defense against the dark arts should be recognized for knowing how a troll would be able to get in," Snape said. "You know h-how children are; t-they probably did it," Quirrel shrugged. Snape raised his brow at him. "It seems I'll have to do your job then," Snape sighed.

"Perhaps it is true; Severus wants to take his job," Enadira thought as she remembered Percy mentioning this at the beginning of the year. As she saw both professors leave in opposite directions, Enadira stood out from her hiding place. "If Severus is going to investigate, there's no way he's the one behind this at all!" she said low. "Let's see the only crazy mind who would bring a troll here..." Enadira thought aloud. Then the realization hit her: "Peeves!" she said, and she decided to go look for him and ask questions.

As she continued walking around the school, she heard banging noises and knew it was him. "Peeves," Enadira said, and the mischievous ghost turned around and laughed with his arms crossed. "Well, if it isn't the rebel Gryffindor Cromwell who slits the tongue of Slytherin," he said and jokingly bowed. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked with a mischievous grin. "I need to ask you something," she said. Peeves sarcastically gasped. "Nothing to say about my introduction for you?" he asked.

"Er, I don't attack every Slytherin..." Enadira shrugged. Peeves sighed "You're no fun, Cromwell; what do you want?" he asks her. "Did you bring the troll in on Halloween?" Enadira asked bluntly. Peeves laughed and flipped around. "Do you truly believe I would do such a thing?" he asked her. Enadira raised her brow. "Wouldn't you?" she asked.

Peeves sighed "Very well," he said, and flew down right next to her. Peeves went close to Enadira's ear, and his hand touched her shoulder. "But I did see who brought the troll in," he whispered. Enadira was surprised. "Who?" she asked. "A certain dark arts professor, Quir..." Peeves stopped talking and looked up. He flew up and showed excitement, saying, "Why, if it isn't my favorite serious dark figure, Severus Snape?" Peeves pointed this out.

Enadira made a soft gasp and exhaled as she turned around to see Snape standing there. Snape looked at Peeves with a raised brow. "Peeves, if your continuing to be a nuisance, I suggest you go scramble somewhere else and not be bothered by this troublemaker," he said looking at Enadira. Peeves laughed as Enadira crossed her arms in annoyance. "Fair point, bye!" Peeves said as he left with a trail of loud bangs and laughter. "You know, I'm not the one who causes trouble; it just always finds me instead," Enadira said to Snape now that they're alone.

"So it would seem," he said. "I thought every staff member was gone for the holidays," she said, uncrossing her arms now. She knew there were a few staff, but decided to pretend she didn't know. "A few of us remained," Snape said. Oh," Enadira said.

"Wouldn't you prefer to stay home for the holidays?" she asked him. "It's best if I'm here, Miss Cromwell," he said. "I just thought because of the holidays..." Enadira stopped talking when she saw Snape with a gloomy expression. "You know I'm here because my grandmother preferred to spend time with the Malfoys for Christmas than me," she quickly said. "Lucious invited me to his holiday party, but I declined for I have important work to do," Snape said.

"Professor Snape?" Enadira asked, and he nodded his head for her to speak. "I-I'm glad that you declined and are here instead," she said. "Whys that?" Snape asked, confused as to why she was glad. "It-its good to know we have someone as intelligent as you to keep us safe!" Enadira pointed this out. Also, I get to see you for Christmas," Enadira thought, and slightly blushed at the fact. "Excuse me, Miss Cromwell," Snape said and walked away. Enadira couldn't help but feel she said something wrong to him.

"I best make my way back then," she said, and she started to walk back to the common room. When she gave the password and entered the room, straight to her dorm, she looked at Snape's gift. "I noticed that you're probably lonely during the holidays," she said. "All year, actually, but around this time it hurts the most," she sighed. "I promise, Severus, you won't be alone this year," Enadira said, and she went back to work on the candle.

Snape POV

It's already the holidays; I don't mind winter as I've always enjoyed the cold. The only staff members that are here are Filtch, Dumbledore sometimes, myself, and Quirrel. I don't count how many students are here, but I was surprised to see Miss Cromwell here. I was talking with Quirrel about the troll incident, but he had no clue how the troll got in. Naturally, I have to solve it, and that man is very close to my suspicions.

I know he was the one to almost fly off Potter with his broom, and I suspect Miss Cromwell knows as well from one of our conversations. I was about to head back when I heard banging sounds and laughter. I realized it was Peeves and sighed to see what was causing the commotion. What I didn't expect was the girl herself talking to Peeves. I told Peeves to go somewhere else, and then it was just her and myself alone.

It appears I'm the first staff member she saw, but I think she knew a few always remain here. She's a clever person, but when she mentioned the holidays,... I don't mind being alone; I've always been alone. The holidays simply show it. Lucious and her grandmother are close, but it would seem the both of us declined. I was confused as to why she was glad I was here and showed only her intelligence to keep everyone who was here safe.

I had to get out, so I left her. Miss Cromwell is a mystery to me. I don't know what it is about her. Her eyes... remind me of someone I used to know, but they shape into Miss Cromwell herself and not her...

End of POV

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