22 | Time's Up

30 1 0

Shouto Todoroki

Something about the front yard and porch looks different than usual, Todoroki thought while approaching his home. I can't put my finger on it.

Todoroki slid open the door to his home with clandestine, subtle tugs that sounded like boulders crashing into the roof to his ears. Glimpsing at the mat beside the door that a lone pair of shoes were placed upon, he sighed in relief. Fuyumi and Natsuo were seldom at home, but Fuyumi would sometimes surprise her youngest brother by visiting home for the weekend.

It's been months since I've seen her, Todoroki realized as he slid his shoes off, slipped a pair of slippers on, and ventured into the house to greet his sister. A part of me doesn't want to see her. She's never seen me this thin. She doesn't know about my weight limit, either. I'd never forgive myself if he beat her because of me. I'll gladly starve myself if it means she's unharmed. I know she'll worry to no end once she sees my pathetic state, but I'd rather have her worry than have her beaten. I already know how much it hurts. But unlike me, she did nothing to deserve it.

Glass shattered across Todoroki's back as his palms crushed the tatami mats beneath him. A faint whimper of pain hissed between his lips while ponderous footsteps sank into the soft mats.

"You'll have objects thrown at you for being the number one Hero of disappointment," Endeavor spat before slamming his foot into the shards strewn across his son's back. "You'll be the number one most hated Hero. Get up." After twenty minutes of Todoroki's asinine attempts to follow his father's injunction, the weight that raked the shards of glass into his back was abruptly lifted. "You're nothing but a waste of time."

The glass looks cool. I wonder which piece is the sharpest. But maybe if I take enough painkillers, the pain will be killed for good. It hurts so much to live. Maybe... Yeah. Maybe. Maybe it'll take away the pain of being alive.

I remember that day like it was yesterday.

Todoroki knocked on Fuyumi's door. "Fuyumi?" Discomfiture laughed within his blood as an insurgence of something hot and purple entered his body like a poison.

"Shouto? Come in!" Fuyumi chirped, but her gaiety splintered once her eyes drifted to her brother. "Is that a feeding tube? Are you all right?" She stood up from her desk with harrowed eyes of a soft, sleek sliver.

"I'm fine. I've had some stomach issues." Todoroki's eyes drifted to the floor. "Thanks for asking." A faint sigh fell from his lips.

I don't want to see the look on your face.

Fuyumi gently wrapped her arms around Todoroki. "You're so thin..." Perturbation steeped her fragile words like blood saturating a sponge.

Indignity coiled around Todoroki's neck. "I'm fine, Fuyumi."

Fuyumi released her brother and pushed up her glasses. "All right, but please, if you ever aren't, talk to me, and I'll do what I can, okay?" She mustered up a slim smile, but her eyes continued to drift back to Todoroki's emaciated figure.

"Thanks." Todoroki was unable to force a smile. "Endeavor isn't here?" At last, he met his sister's compassionate eyes.

With a nod, Fuyumi expelled a brief sigh. "He was here earlier, but he had a meeting somewhere. He left in a hurry, but I don't think he's ever been late to a meeting."

"Oh. Okay."

"Hey, Shouto?"


"Is Father treating you all right?"

Suicidal Todoroki x Depressed Bakugou | FragmentsWhere stories live. Discover now