Chapter 40 - spoiled

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One month later.

I opened my eyes to the sound off my phone alarm,
I groaned turning it off, I can't believe it's already morning, I literally got home a few hours ago.
I have been working endlessly to reopen my hospital in Spain and last night was my opening party.
And speaking off party tomorrow is also my birthday and Lino is planning a huge party for me which I clear I didn't want, but I guess I have no choice.
I lay on the bed strolling trough instagram.
I checked Neymar's instagram seeing what he's up to.
I'm ashamed to say that it was one off the things I do before getting off my bed everyday.
He haven't posted since his injury,
Emily told me that he was in Qatar a month ago,
he had surgery done on his foot.
She said he called her phone asking for me,
he wanted to know where I was,
But she told him I was already in Spain.
If I'd only known he was in Qatar I would off find a way to see him.
After moving to Spain I thought about contacting him,
but after thinking about the risk I could put him in now that I'm officially back in the mafia I choose not to.
as much as it hurts me, I have to let him go.

I let out a sigh,
jumping out off bed getting ready for work heading down stairs,
even though I'm exhausted I still have to work,
I can't stay home because my hospital is newly opened like literally yesterday.

"Good morning Bella."
Lino shouted from his office getting my attention,
I frown my eyebrows walking to his office wondering why he was up so early.
I walked into his office seeing him sitting by his desk with the same clothes he had on last night but it was covered in blood.

"Lino it's literally not that difficult to take a shower after you do your business's,"
I said taking a seat on his desk unbothered by his bloody attire.
I have to admit moving back with Lino is not a ride in the park, their are times i come home to a house full of Lino's guys dressed in black armed with guns getting ready to do god knows what Lino does.
And don't get me started on having to remove bullets from his guys nearly every few days.
But I have to admit I kind off like the excitement.
I have also started back training,
Lino said I should always be alert and ready in case his enemies tries anything.

"You got a package this morning."
He said pointing to a Gucci case on his desk.

"It's from dad."
He said smiling.
I opened it revealing an assault rifle.

"Only my family will gift someone an assault rifle for their birthday,"I said picking up the gun examining it with a smile on my face

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"Only my family will gift someone an assault rifle for their birthday,"
I said picking up the gun examining it with a smile on my face.

"And where's your gift?"
I asked looking at him as I walked placing the gun back in the case.

"Chill out you spoiled little brat,"
"you're birthday is tomorrow not today,"
Lino said making me roll my eyes at him.

"But I do have a surprise for you tonight."
"So get your spoiled ass to work so you can be home early to retrieve your surprise."
He said kindly kicking me out his office.

"He said kindly kicking me out his office

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Emily (Bella step sister) POV

My eyes lit up as I approached my child hood home,
I have to admit I'm a little scared about meeting Lino after the whole situation with my mother Rosita forbidding me from speaking to him,
When he called and invited me to Bella's party I was a bit surprised because I thought he was mad at me.
Probably he just invited me because he knew it will make Bella very happy.
I made my way up to the front door ringing the door bell.
A few seconds later I was greeted by Chris,
Lino's right hand man.

"Well, well"
"Look who's back,"
"the middle eastern princess."
He said teasing me because my mother is engaged to a billionaire from Qatar.

"Where is my sister?"
I asked ignoring his comment.

"She's at work and Lino is out taking care off some business."
"But Francesca is here, she arrived an hour ago with her boyfriend."
"Their chilling out in the backyard let me take you to them."
He said leading the way.

"I didn't know Francesca and Bella are friends again."
I said a bit confused because Francesca father died a year before we moved to Qatar and her family Blamed Lino and my dad for his death,
which was obviously not true my father and Lino had nothing to do with it.
I guess Francesca finally realized it was not true and moved on rekindling her friendship with Bella.

"Wait till you see who's Francesca's boyfriend."
Chris said smirking.

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