Chapter 22 - Fear.

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Bella POV

After leaving Alex parents house, I stopped at
Mac Donald to get a burger for Neymar, I remember him saying he was craving a hamburger from Mac Donalds.
I made my way to his room knocking on the door,
After a few seconds he opened the door,
His eyes lit up when he saw me standing there,

You can't stay away from me can't you?
He said smirking.

"well I better leave and I'm taking this with me,"
I said showing him the food turning to walk away.
He instantly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his room closing the door.
He took the food from my hand last placing it on the table making me look at him confused.

"Don't you want the food?"
"I thought you were craving a Macdonald's hamburger,"
I said tilting my head looking at him.

"There is something else I have been craving all day"
He said leaning closer looking down at my lips.

"And what is that?"
I asked taking a step back teasing him,
but it didn't go to my favor because my back hit the wall.

"No way to go?"
He asked placing his hands on the wall both side off me,
his eyes piercing at me like a tiger stalking it's prey.
He leaned in brushing his lips on my shoulder instantly making my pours raise,
I closed my eyes letting out a soft gasp as he trailed soft kisses from my shoulder up to my neck.
I grabbed onto his shirt pulling him closer to me closing in the gap between us.
A smirk appeared on his lip in reaction to what I did.
He instantly crash his lips onto mines kissing me passionately,
Our lip moved in sync with each other as he ran his hands down my back grabbing my ass picking me up.
He slowly walk towards the bed not breaking the kiss.

Neymar POV

I sat on the edge of the bed wrapping her legs around my waist.
I finally break the kiss turning my attention to her chest looking us at her for permission to unbutton for blouse,
She nodded biting her lips as I bring my hands up to her blouse unbuttoning the first button kissing her chest, I took a deep breath inhaling her addictive scent.
Suddenly we were startled by a knocking on the door,
I cursed letting out a groan off frustration,
Bella instantly jumped off me fixing her clothes and her hair walking over to the table in the corner off the room taking a seat.
I couldn't help but laugh by how quickly she did that.

"It's like you have done that many times before."
I said to her laughing as I walked to the door opening it.

I said in a shock looking at the female standing in front off me,
I glanced back at Bella who was leaning forward with curiosity in her face.
Gia is a Brazilian model I used to hook up with from time to time.
I have no idea why she is here because I haven't had contact with her in months.
she had a mini suitcase next to her.

"What are you doing here Gia?"
"I asked, turning to look at Bella once more then back at her."

"Im staying at the Malvis Hotel not far from here,
I got your letter you placed under my door this morning asking me to come stay the night with you."
"Did you forget?"
Gia asked leaning over my shoulder peeping in the room.

"Oh my, I didn't know your doctor is here,"
She said looking at Bella's outfit.

"Do you want me to come by later?"
Gia asked smiling.

"Not it's ok, I'm finished."
Bella said getting up off the chair grabbing her purse walking towards the door.

"I think there is some misunderstanding Gia,"
"I didn't send you a letter."
I said to her standing in front of the door blocking Bella from exiting.

"Oh I understand,"
"your scared that you're doctor will report you having a female over for the night."
Gia whispered to me.

"It's ok I'm cool, I won't report anything to coach,"
"Your secret is safe with me."
Bella said pushing me aside existing my room.

"Gia, I really didn't send you that letter."
I said leaving her behind running towards Bella who was already by her room door.
She quickly tried entering her room attempting to close the door when she saw me approaching.
but I placed my foot blocking her from doing so.

"Bella I"

"You don't need to explain anything to me Neymar,"that's your personal business,"
"you may go she's waiting."
Bella said trying to close the door.

"It's a misunderstanding Bella?
"I didn't send that letter to her."
"Please don't be mad."
I said looking at her shaking my head.

"I'm not mad Neymar,"
"I have no right to be mad at you,"
"I'm not your girlfriend!"
She said trying her best to push me out.

Bella POV

"Bella I know you are upset,"
"I can see it in your face."
"Let me in and I'll explain."
Neymar said pleading with me.

"I will say it again Neymar I don't care if you are fuck her."
I said looking at him.
He placed his hand on the door pushing it,
forcing himself into the room closing the door behind him.
Nd by the look on his face I could clearly see I made him angry.

"Listen very carefully Bella."
" and don't cut me off when I'm speaking please,"
"I don't want her,"
"the reason I'm telling you this is because a care off what you think of me,"
"I'm not a player."
"You could tell me you don't care but I know you're angry."
"Because a minute ago I was kissing you and then a female shows up at my room saying I invited her over to spend the night."
"You must think I'm a player like Alex.
"but I assure you Bella I am not."
"I care for you a lot."
He said looking at me.

"All I'm trying to say is that its okay if you hook up with her,"
"You don't have to feel the need to lock off other girls because you and I have something going on,"
"It's not like we can make this between work."
"You only have two weeks until the World Cup is over,"
"I know you have feelings for me, I feel the same for you."
"But what is going to happen when you go back to Paris and I moved to Spain."
I said to him looking at the floor.

"You don't think I don't know what you are trying to do Bella?"
"I can see right trough your lies."
He said placing his hands on my chin raising my head so I may look at him.

"It's like you want me to sleep with her so you can have a reason to hate me."
He said frowning his eyebrows.
"It's because you are scared off the fact that you are developing feelings for me."
"And you fear that after the World Cup we may part ways and we may never see each other again."
"You are scared off getting your heart broken."
He said literally reading my mind, which is kind off scary off how well he knows me.

"I'm not letting you give up on what we have because off your fears Bella."
"You know I will never hurt you."
"And Paris is literally a two hours flight away from Spain,"
"We can make this work,"
"I'm willing to try are you?"
He asked holding my hands looking into my eyes.

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