Chapter 13 - my daughter

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Neymar POV

I was woken up by a set of commotion outside,
It was a voice of a female.
I opened my door peeping outside seeing a woman pounding on Bella's room door.

"Is everything ok"
I said looking at her.

"Have you seen my daughter?"
"She is not answering my calls and apparently she is not at her house or here."
She said panicking.

"Bella flew out last night."
I said looking at her confused.

"Do you know where she went"
She asked walking towards me.

"No I don't"
I said shaking my head, because to what I understand the whole argument between Bella and her brother was because their mom.

"Bella's in Spain,"
Alex said walking towards us.

"And how do you know you that?"
I asked folding my arms looking at him.

"Because I have connections everywhere."
He said looking at me.

"You need to leave Bella the fuck alone and stop harassing her."
I said taking a step towards him.

"Why are you so protected over Bella?"
"Do you have feelings for my girl?"
Alex asked looking suspiciously at me.

"She is not your girl,"
"to what I understand she dumped you awhile back."
I said looking at him smirking,
I could literally scenes his blood boiling under his skin.
And I don't care.
I was just waiting for him to throw the first punch so I can teach him a lesson.

"Ok that's enough."
Bella mother said coming between us.

"I don't know what my daughter has been telling you,"
"but her and Alex are getting married in the future,"Bella father Jon and I,
"and Alex parents had already agreed to it,"
Bella mother said looking at me.

"Does Bella know about this arrangement?"
I asked looking at them both.

"But she will soon."
Her mom said before walking away with Alex who had a huge smile on his face.

I walked back into my room slamming the door behind me,
Who the fuck does Bella mother and step father think they are to arrange her wedding to Alex against her will.

I grabbed my phone off the bed dialing Bella's number pasting back and forth waiting impatiently for her to pickup.

A male voice answered.

"Is Bella around."
I asked realizing it was her brother.

"She just stepped out."
"Will you like me to give her a message."
He asked.

"Tell her Neymar called."
I said.

"Ok cool."
"Good luck on your team today."
Are you making your return soon?
He asked.

"Yes I'm playing next match,"
"Thanks to you sister, she is a really great doctor."
I said while scratching the back of my head.

"Yes my sister is the best."
He said with pride in his voice.

"I'll tell her you call."
He said before hanging up.

Bella POV

Bella POV

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