Chapter 36 - your hands

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Bella POV

I got up groaning looking at the time,
it was 4pm in the afternoon I slept all day.
I was extremely tired after working all night performing emergency surgery on a cop who got shot during a altercation with a thief.
To my luck everything went smoothly and his operation was successful,
I guess I'm really good at removing bullets from people because off my family occupation.
I made my way down stairs to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.
The time I have stayed in Alex house I have never eaten here or even left my room.
I usually get my food when I'm out.
I literally haven't took a day off in two months,
I have been working extremely late just to avoid spending time with Alex.
And to my luck he's not home today he is probably extra busy with his new company his father gave him.
I walked into the kitchen seeing an old woman cleaning the counter.

"Hi I'm Sophia the cook, you must be Alex's wife Bella."
She said making me squirm.

"Oh no, I'm his prisoner."
I said making her laugh, if she only knew I was telling the truth.

"What are you cooking can I assist you?"
I asked taking a seat.

"I'm actually finished cooking,"
"I made seafood Paella."
"Alex said you are from Spain so I thought I make you something from there."
She said while preparing a plate for me.

"I actually haven't had Paella in so long,"
"Thank you very much for preparing it for me
I said taking a bite which tasted heavily.

While having lunch well more like dinner I decided to message Francesca asking her if she wanted to have drinks later with me,
but then I remembered she told me her boyfriend was having surgery today.

After I ate, I decided to send Sophia home early and finish cleaned the kitchen myself.
It was almost six in the evening and Alex was not home yet so I decided to watch a movie.
I grabbed a glass off wine and headed to the living room.
A minute after I took a seat I heard Alex's car pulling up in the driveway,
I instantly got off the sofa taking off the tv then quickly headed towards my room.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"
He asked stopping me in my tracks as I was about to head up the stairs.

"I'm going back to bed I'm not feeling well."
I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Are you coming down with the flu or something?"
He asked looking at me concerned.

"No I'm just really tired."
I said taking a deep breath.

"Well before you go back to bed I have something for you."
He said taking a small gift box out off his jacket putting it in my hand.

"Open it"
He said smiling.

I said giving him back the box.
Knowing very well what was in it.

Open the box Bella or else!

Or else what!
I said looking at him.

"Bring him in."
Alex shouted opening the front door.

I instantly held my breath wondering what was going on,
My thoughts was quickly answered by two off Alex men dragging Ben into the house,
He looked all beaten up.

"You thought I wouldn't find out about the little adventure you two had a two nights back."
"Sneaking behind my back disarming the bomb I placed near the hospital."
Alex said folding his arms looking at me.

"You are stupid to disobey me!"
"Now he is going to die because off you!"
Alex said pulling out his gun pointing it to Ben who was sitting on the floor looking helpless.

"Alex please don't hurt him,"
"He has nothing to do with it,"
"I asked him to take me to the hospital because I forgot something there."
"I snuck to the car disarming the bomb myself.
"He knows nothing."
I said pleading.

"Why are you lying to protect him,
I saw the security footage that night from the hospital,"
"he was helping you."
Alex said pressing the gun to Ben's head.

"Alex please I'll do anything,"
"Just don't hurt him."
I pleaded because if Ben gets hurt it is gonna be all my fault because I asked him to help me.

"Open the box and put on the ring."
Alex said trowing the box back at me.
I quickly opened the box talking the ring sliding in on my ring finger.

I quickly opened the box talking the ring sliding in on my ring finger

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"Good girl."
Alex said removing the gun from Ben's head.

"But you still need to be thought a lesson for disobeying me."
He said pointing the gun back to Ben shooting him three times in the body.
I stood there in shock a Ben fell to the floor gasping for air.

"Now his life is in your hands."
Alex said to me before walking away.

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