Chapter 37 - legacy

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Bella POV

I quickly ran up stairs changing into a Jeans, top and sneakers.
I grabbing my keys and phone running back down stairs to Ben who was starting to fade away.
I grabbed the table cloth ripping it into pieces wrapping it around his bullet wounds.
He had a wound on his right shoulder and two on his stomach.
I have to get him to a hospital before he bleeds out.
I grabbed his upper body dragging him out the house to my car putting him in the back seat.
Driving to the nearest hospital which is 20min away,
He won't make it if I take him to my hospital which is an hour away.
While driving I kept talking to Ben trying to keep him awake.
I literally told him I'm sorry about a thousand times.
I pulled up to the hospital getting out off the car shouting for some assistance,
two guy's ran out coming to my aid,

"I have a middle age man with three bullet wounds he has lost a lot off blood."
I said to the doctors who quickly took Ben putting him on a stretcher taking him inside the hospital.
I ran behind them, but was stopped by another doctor asking if I was hurt also.

"No I'm not hurt."
I said looking at him confused, but then I followed his eyes down to my top,
it was covered in Ben's blood.

"It's not my blood."
I said leaving the doctors running behind Ben as the doctors escorted him to the emergency room.
I told them I was a doctor so they let me in.

Neymar POV

"Congratulations mister Santos you had a very successful surgery."
My doctor said as they placed me on a wheelchair pushing out off the operation room.

"Your family is waiting for you in a room that we prepared for you to spend the night,"
"you will be placed under observation tonight,"
"once everything runs smoothly you will be discharged by tomorrow."
He said.

"Thank you."
I said in the most raspy voice.
I have to admit the anesthesia still has me a little off,
I literally felt like I'm floating as the doctor pushed me down the corridor,
I was looking around waving to the doctors as I past by when suddenly I saw a set off commotion in the emergency room.

I shouted the the guy who was pushing me,
I blinked a few times trying to comprehend what I was seeing in front off my eyes.
It was Bella, she was standing in between the doctors who was tending to someone, she had a worried look on her face.
My heart literally stopped when I glanced her top which was covered in blood.

I shouted making her stop looking around confused.
She couldn't see me because I was sitting on a wheelchair and she was surrounded by to the crowd off doctors.
My voice was so raspy I'm sure she wouldn't recognize it was me who was calling to her.
I was about to call her again but they shut the door to the emergency room.

I tried to stand up totally forgetting that I just had surgery done on my foot making the doctor grab onto me pulling me back down onto the chair pining me down.

"Let go off me!"
"I need to make sure she is okay."
I shouted to the doctor.

"Mr Santos, you need to calm down,"
"you still have anesthesia in your system,"
"you are not 100% yourself right now."
He said signaling another doctor to assist him.

"Hold him still the other doctor said walking towards me,"
I watched as she took out a syringe putting some liquid into it.

"I'm going to give you something to relax."
She said sticking the needle into my arm before I could even protest, my eyes literally rolled over as everything went black.

Bella POV

"You need to leave the room miss, we are going to have to perform emergency surgery on him,"
A doctor said pushing me out the room.

"Please let me assist you, I'm a doctor I know what to do."
I said pleading with her.

"You have done a huge amount by covering his wounds slowing down the bleeding,"
"if you haven't done that he would off been dead by now, so please let us do our job."
"Go home and get cleaned up."
Another doctor said literally walking me out the hospital.

I got into my car slamming the door screaming hitting the steering wheel in frustration,
Ben is going to die and it's all my fault.
I looked at my backseat which was covered in his blood.
I would off never thought Alex was capable off doing something like this this,
yes I know he is terrible person but shooting someone,
I didn't think he would have it in him.
he has definitely became a monster and I blame myself for everything,
I should off stoped him a long time ago.
I promise I wouldn't become like my father and Lino.
I thought moving to Qatar would help me escape that life,
But I guess once you have that mafia blood in you troubled always finds a way to you doorstep.
I have to stop running from my family legacy and embrace it.
Alex is going to wish he had never laid eyes on me.

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