30. Trust Issues Is A Motherfucker

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"Wow, I can't believe this shit, I'm so excited!!" Nikki shrieks loudly, pressing her cell phone to her ear.

She practically jumps up and down like a little girl.

My ears immediately perk up cause I ain't never seen her so excited before.

Now, she don't even know I'm eavesdropping on her phone conversation right now with her agent, Monica, I'm supposed to still be at my daughters room putting them to bed, but I been dealt with that already. Hailie and Alaina both fell asleep almost right away, as soon I tucked them in, and I headed to my bedroom Nikki shares with me, but I had stopped at the door listening in once I realized she was talking to somebody.

Guess I'm a creep and a nosy motherfucker too. Oh fucking well.

I wanna know what my fucking girl is up to, sue me. And aight, maybe I'm fucked for having trust issues like a motherfucker, but can you blame me, she did play me with DeAngelo before. Plus, it ain't like Nikki trusts me either. Not fully anyway. She thinks I'm still fucking around with Kim, which frankly, I easily could have done, cause God knows, Kim tried to throw herself at me every chance she gets. Only thing is I ain't.

So yeah, I stand there and listen.

But all I gather from Nikki's conversation on the phone is that apparently the last audition she went to was a success and she had managed to secure the part for whatever movie she was trying for.


I ain't gonna lie it's dope as hell and I'm happy for her. This is what she had always wanted.

Waiting for her to hang up the phone, I finally open the door, strolling casually inside the bedroom, waiting for my girl to tell me her good news, but she never does.

I ain't gonna lie, that kind of rubs me the wrong way, but I don't say nothing. I know how Nikki is, she would get all on the defensive if I try and pressure her.

The next day sucks. Cause this is when Kim comes over to pick up our daughters. My time with them is up for right now, so Kim collects both Haile and Alaina and they are going to be staying with her for the next couple of weeks. Course imma still talk to them on the phone, Hailie constantly hanging up on me by accident, she does that all the time to me, I swear. But still, it ain't gonna be the same. I love my two little girls to death and it always fucks with me that I can't be in their lives constantly. I wish I could have then living with me all the time, but obviously, me being divorced from their bitch mother and sharing custody with her compliments things.

"So, where's that whore of yours?" Kim asks me sarcastically after she done strapped the girls in their seats in her car, and she now stands outside of it, facing me.

I know what she's doing, tryna get a rise out of me, but I can't be fucked with her shit right now. Kim is vindictive like that. Whenever she knows I'm moving on from her, she always try and all of a sudden act like it's only a matter of fact till I run back to her. Been there done that though. Whatever love I ever had for this woman is gone. Don't think she even loves me anymore either. She just don't wanna lose to somebody else.

"Yo, watch your mouth in front of the girls and don't call her that, Kim," I say quietly through gritted teeth.

Kim smirks, looking at me like a mad woman.

Then she rolls her eyes.

"Just can't believe you really are running around with that girl again, Marshall. I would think you've outgrown this... weird thing you used to have with her," she says bitterly. "Are you still trying to make me jealous?"

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