14. The Truth

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Nikki's P.O.V.


"Nikki, that little white boy is on the phone for you again," my grandmother grumbles walking into my room.

I look up and her and frantically shake my head.

"I don't wanna talk to him!! Tell him I'm not home, grandma!!"

"I have, but he keeps persisting."

"Ugh!!" I exclaim.

Marshall has been trying to call me for a whole week straight now and I've been blowing him off because I honestly can't stand even the thought of ever speaking to him ever.

I've been going to such great lengths to avoid him actually, that I've been straight up skipping going to school for a whole week now just so I wouldn't have to face him. And let me tell you, cutting class is very uncharacteristic of me, plus my grandparents would probably murder me once they realize I've been hanging at the mall instead of going to school for days now, but it's just that...

He hurt me so bad and I feel so stupid for ever believing him, I hate that he played me like that and I feel like everybody at school are probably laughing at me now too.

However, at this moment I realize also that I can't keep avoiding him forever, plus I can't let him and Kim straight up run me out of school, so I make a split decision right then and there.

"Okay you know what, hold on grandma, I will talk to him," I mumble, slowly crawling out of bed where I was literally laid up crying all day. I smooth down my sweatshirt and fix my hair as though Marshall could actually see me over the phone, because I refuse to be looking a hot mess when I talk to him, won't give him the satisfaction that he was able to do that to me.

"You young people these days," my grandmother continues grumbling at my back as I'm heading towards the living room where I snatch up the phone from it's hook. "Don't know why you ever thought it was a good idea to run around with some white kid, Nikki. Especially that one, he's clearly trouble."

I ignore her and press the phone to my ear. I wait for my grandmother to move out of earshot though because I don't need her all in my business like that.

"What do you want, Marshall?!" I then whisper yell into the receiver.

Only to then almost break down crying when I hear him sounding all pitiful at the other end of the line.

"Yo Nikki, thank you so much for finally talking to me and..."

"I don't need your sorry, Marshall," I cut him off. "What you calling me for, aren't you all laid up with Kim right now at y'all house?"

"What?! Nah Nikki, it's not even like that, I swear!! Me and Kim are done, I promise you baby!"

I almost cut off the circulation on my own fingers then from how furiously I begin to wrap the phone cord around my then in anger.

"Oh, you mean like how you were done with her the whole time you and I were together, but the whole time you were screwing her every night, Marshall?!"

There's a brief pause then he starts talking rapidly.

"Shit Nikki, I'm so sorry for bullshitting you like that, but I swear to fuck girl, that was only at the beginning when we first started going out!! I had cut her off eventually and that was why she was so mad and decided to tell you the truth. She's just fucking jealous baby, she can't stand to see me happy with another girl, and I was so happy with you!"

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