4. Tension

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Nikki's P.O.V.


Marshall stares straight at me, his blue eyes getting more and more intense by the moment, and I find it kind of amusing that he looks almost intimidated by me. I know that it's mostly because of the fact that he knows that I know certain things about him that could ruin him, but it's still funny that the man whose whole image is being like this ruthless unbothered person is actually very much so bothered... by the little old me.

"So, you really ARE planning to fuck me over then?" He sighs heavily, resigned.

"Maybe yes, maybe no, Marshall," I continue to toy with him. "I'm still trying to figure it out."

"Well, when you DO figure it out then you let me know then," he suddenly snaps in return, breaking eye contact with me and getting out of the car.

He looks around him, kind of nervous like, no doubt feeling weird to just step out in public like that with no bodyguards present, being the big ole superstar that he is. Should've probably thought about it before getting inside of my car, huh?

Looking kind of haunted like and like he's on edge, like he's literally ready to knock the first motherfucker out that might try to approach him.

This makes me kind of sad actually, and kind of reminds me how he was back in the day too, back in high-school.

Marshall clenches his jaw and pulls out his cell phone texting on it, probably telling his people to come get him from in front of my hotel.

I roll my eyes to myself and get out of the car as well.

"Let's go, Marshall," I say, pulling him by his hand.

"Yo what the fuck, go where?" He asks looking up from his phone with an irritated hostile like expression on his face.

"Come up to my room, you can wait for your team to come pick you up in there. I would hate for you to get jumped and mobbed by all of your fans once somebody out here spots you anyway," I sigh.

He shrugs and follows behind me inside of the small motel and towards the elevator.

Once inside the room, I tell him to get comfortable and then just put on some crap on TV so that the two of us could sit in front of it and just pretty much ignore each other until Marshall's ride shows up for him to drive him back to the studio or wherever it is he would be wanting to go.

I grab a bag of chips from the coffee table and start munching on some absent-mindedly without offering Marshall any cause fuck him.

"Uh... can I have something to drink then?" He suddenly asks me and I roll my eyes.

"Sure, what would you like?"

"Some water would be nice," he shrugs, so I get up and go grab him a bottle of water from the little fridge I have in here.

By the time I walk back over to him, I see that Marshall has truly made himself comfortable at my place. Sitting all spread out on my couch, taking up most of the space.

I roll my eyes again and hand him the water bottle.

Then I sit down next to him on the couch, taking care to not let my body brush up against his by accident, which is kind of hard considering how much of the couch he occupies right now, and we just resume watching TV in silence.

And the tension in the room right now, you could quite literally cut it with a knife.

"So, do you have a man now?" Marshall suddenly blurts out then, and I damn near choke on the chips I was just eating.

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