9. Truth Or Dare

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Marshall's P.O.V.


Nikki never gave me an answer that day. She just kept saying I must be out of my goddamn mind. Which I respect cause frankly, she's probably fucking right and I am losing it.

Proof is right too, I shouldn't get involved with her at all. Last time I had, it ain't end well at all for any of us.

Thing is though I ain't expect to actually start feeling her again after all these years and it don't even make no sense to me that I feel her like this. She ain't been nothing but a bitch to me ever since walking back into my life. Not to mention that I don't even know what the fuck her motives even are, I still to this day don't know if she's gonna fuck me over or nah on the day we are supposed to do that interview at 106 & Park. And that day is approaching...

Actually that day IS here.

Nikki, the guys, Paul and I all board the private plane to take us all to NewYork for the interview. Afterwards, we are all supposed to be flying out to LA. I've got some more recording to do there for my new album, and Nikki, we are just supposed to be dropping her off there, since no matter how it ends up going in New York, she would have dine her part by then, so as Paul has put it, she would be no longer needed.

On the plane, there are a few girls with us that some of the guys had insisted on bringing.

And I ain't gonna front, I do like some of these chicks. As well as the attention they are all giving me.

All them slutty ass bitches are on me like white on rice as soon the plane takes of. I'm used to this by now, hoes throwing themselves at me and shit, but then again, it never gets old, you know what I'm saying? And I for sure ain't never gonna complain about all that.

Nikki is looking kind of pissed though and I find it amusing. I'm saying, I thought she said she ain't want me, but if I ain't know any better, it sure as hell looks like she do.

I smile to myself and pull one of the chicks onto my lap, kissing her, I smile into the kiss and watch Nikki from the corner of my eye, watching what she would do.

She rolls her eyes, huffs to herself and goes to sit with her back turned towards me with her little drink in her hand.

Cute. So she IS jealous.

I smirk to myself as I push the groupie chick off me, licking my lips and dawning my own drink.

"I have an idea," another one of the groupies suddenly says then, sitting comfortably on Proof's lap. "Let's play a drinking game," she suggests.

"Shit, I kind of like it," Kuniva shrugs. "It's about to be a long ass flight anyway."

"Aight," I shrug, not really caring much what we all do.

"Omg, yes, let's play truth or dare!!" The girl that was just seated on my lap suggests.

"What are you all, like 12?" Paul asks with irritation. "I'll sit this one out, but you all crazy kids knock yourselves out," he gets up and walks off towards the front of the plane.

"Suit yourself," the groupie chick shrugs. "Okay, so I'll go first..."

"Hold up, how you supposed to play that shit again yo?" I ask blinking a few times, cause Paul ain't lying that is some shit teenagers play, I have no idea how this dumb game goes.

"Well, it's pretty self-explanatory, isn't it?" My groupie girl shrugs. "Everybody takes turns asking each other to either tell the truth or do a dare. And whatever it is you pick, you have to do it. Like, if somebody asks you a question, you have to answer it truly. And if somebody dares you to do something, then you have to do it, no questions asked."

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