23. Awkward Love Scenes

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Nikki's P.O.V.

"You were engaged? Fucking engaged to who, yo?!" Marshall spits out, looking damn near offended at my statement. "Like for real, you was engaged before, Nikki?" He exclaims.

"Um, yes, Marshall, I was engaged before, and you used to be married to Kim, correct?" I roll my eyes as he smirks.

"Touché," he concedes as I proceed to roll my eyes again.

I get really quiet right after, because honestly? I don't think I want to open up about that to him. Like at all.

Of course I should've known that his obsessive ass ways won't allow him to let this go though.

When I don't speak fast enough, he literally corners me.

"Tell me," he demands.

And I frankly, I don't understand where does he get the nerve to think that I have to.

"I don't got to tell you shit, Marshall," I reply, starting daggers at him.

He licks his lips nervously, getting close to me. He cups my face on his hands.

"Yeah, no doubt about that, but I still wanna fucking know yo," he states simply.

His baby blues are burrowing straight into my brown eyes and wow, he does know how to look at a girl all intense like, making that puppy dog face but like he's the fucking boss at the same time. Always had, ever since back when we were young.

I feel myself starting to crack.

But then quickly pull it back.

"None of your fucking business, Marshall!!" I exclaim.

I'm not telling him shit!!

"Why not?" He frowns, looking angrily at me, his eyes are burning a whole into me.

"Because I don't have to?" I straight up laugh in his face to cover my up my own nervousness.

Why does he make me nervous though, since when has HE started making ME nervous?!

"Aw c'mon, Nikki!" He exclaims, all childish like. "I was fucking straight up with you just now. Least you can do is be straight with me too."

"Touché," I shrug, throwing what he's said to me earlier back at him. "And maybe one day I would. But not today. Sorry, Marshall," I smile sweetly at him, ignoring the pissed off entitled expression on his face. I don't have to tell him anything if I'm not ready to, and he's just going to have to live with that.

"Nikki," he starts to say.

"Where are those daughters of yours you mentioned anyway?" I then interrupt him, changing the subject at the same time.

He frowns again and blinks a few times before squinting his eyes at me, one eye squinting slightly more than the other.

"They uh... they with Kim for right now. It's her time to have them, plus, I'm way too busy lately to be able to take care of them properly, and it fucking kills me to be honest," he lowers his head.

Aw, pour baby... I can't say I can relate, though. The honest truth is that I don't know if I like kids. So, I can't really fully comprehend how it must feel to him being all heartbroken over not being able to see those two little girls.

"How old are they anyway?" I ask, just to be polite.

"Well, Hailie is 7, and Alaina is 9," he replies, and I nod emotionlessly.

They are young, like really young. God... if I were to deal with him, I would have to also...

Wait, what?! I have no intentions of interacting with him anyway, other than being in this movie with him, the hell?!

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