7. Do NOT Mess With Me

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Nikki's P.O.V.


I pace my hotel room, waiting for Marshall to arrive.

My nerves are kind of getting the best out of me for whatever reason to be honest, so in the meantime, I take my phone and scroll through my contacts, finding my friend Kianna's number.

Kianna is my coworker at the bar I work at in LA, and she also happens to be the only girlfriend I have ever made in my whole entire life. I don't know why, but I normally don't get along with other females at all, Kianna being the only exception. She seems to be the only chick I've ever clicked with that never brought any petty drama, cattiness or petty jealous competition over guys in my life like any other woman I have ever tried befriending did.

"Hey Ki," I say cheerfully into the phone as soon as she picks up. Maybe too cheerfully.

"Hey girl, what's up? And what's wrong?" Kiara chuckles at the other end of the line.

"How you know something is wrong?" I laugh.

"Cause girl, I know you, and you sounds pissed. Let me guess, you are not getting along with Eminem at all."

"No girl, he's a fucking jerk," I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Just like he was back when we were teenagers to be honest. He tries way too hard to act like he's the fucking shit when he ain't!"

"Damn Nikki!!" Kiara giggles. "There's no impressing you at all, is there? See like, I still can't even get over the fact that you fucking knew Eminem since back when y'all were young as hell, you fucking went to the same high-school as him and you never even thought to tell me!! But it's all good, I'm not even mad at you for keeping secrets from your best fucking friend! Still though, I can't believe you speak about him like this and that you are so unbothered by him."

"Ki please," I roll my eyes. "I don't even look at him like that. As a celebrity. Probably precisely because I have in fact known him since back when we were kids. I guess to me he just remains that same person. Only arrogant as fuck and thinking everybody should just fall at his feet now. Well, I ain't the one, and let me tell you something..."

"Wow girl, slow down!" Kianna interrupts me. "I can tell already by just how worked up you are getting right now that something is up. What's happened between you two?"

"Oh, nothing much. Motherfucker called himself thinking he could lay hands on me," I huff and Kianna practically explodes at the other end of the line.

"What you mean, he put his hands on you, Nikki?! That little white boy hit you?! What the... I'm about to be on the next flight smoking to Detroit girl, I swear! Imma beat his ass for you, don't care how famous he is anymore..."

"No Ki, he didn't hit me, the fuck?! You think he would still be alive if he did?" I smirk.

"What he do then?" She asks in confusion.

"Nothing I can't handle," I shrug. "I have something for his ass anyway. And he's on his way here right now thinking we are gonna talk about what happened earlier. And we are about to talk alright. Only he won't even know what hit him."

"Damn Nikki," Kianna laughs quietly. "I can hear the crazy side of you coming out. Please don't hurt him too much. He's still a famous person after all."

"I'll try not to," I reply sarcastically. Just then, there's a knock on my door. "Shit Ki, I gotta go, bye!!" I say hostile, then hang up.

I then compose my face and walk towards the door, swinging it open.

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