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Mmmh...what time is it? I turned over to my bedside table picking up my phone flooded with dms.

What in the world?

Carefully scrolling through the dms from fans, news articles, and a few companies.

*Unnie is everything alright? Why did you leave DY entertainment?

*Hello L/n, this is PATCH we would like an exclusive interview with you about leaving your old entertainment company.

*Y/n!!! Please don't tell me it's true?!

*Hello L/n, I am Kim Jeon Hwag I would like to personally discuss an exclusive contact with my company Quin Entertainment.

*I'll support you whatever you choose unnie!!

Opening up the app flooded with more questions. I guess the cat is out of the bag as I swap to the left of the screen my profile popping up.

My last social media update of me and the other trainee in the debut line up standing in front of a mirror for a group picture.

It's almost similar to the produce days...the beginning of my trainee days and I end up back to square one?

Taking in a deep breath going to settings on the app turning my profile to private.

I toss my phone across my bed.

I pull my knees toward my chest taking in a deep breath...Did I make the right decision coming back home?

My ringtone starts blasting as the caller ID is rose. I quickly fling my body across my bed grabbing my phone to answer her.


"Y/n! Are you still coming to Alix and Kim's race?! We're all here waiting for you!"

Oh crap...
           I forgot....

"I'm so sorry Rose I completely forgot but I'll come to the race! I'll be there in a few minutes."

{My Idol} Mlb X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now