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Chapter twenty | Ekaterina
"This is so embarrassing." Layla squeals as we enter the bathroom, her cheeks reddening further as she inspects the stain she left in the mirror.

A big angry spot of wine is clear on her neckline, "here." I pass her a napkin and she smiles a little but it soon vanishes as she rubs the stain, her face taking a sadder expression.

My brows furrow as I take a step toward her "what's wrong?" I find myself asking when she doesn't offer any information, "nothing, I just loved this dress." She mutters and sighs, throwing away the useless napkin.

"I'm sure you can buy hundreds of them." I snort but then straighten when I realize that I shouldn't have said that, "you're probably right but it was just special," she exclaims and I raise my brows,

Walking towards her so we're face to face, "well, I'm sure that scary husband of yours can make the new one you'll get special as well." I feign shock as I throw a wink in her direction.

Her expression brightens as a laugh slips out of her mouth, I let out a breath thankful for this change of moods, and when she looks satisfied with herself she turns to me again.

Her brows furrowed as if she's inspecting me, "is something wrong?" She asks gently and I shake my head because nothing is, I just don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, the night was going well, I mean it still is I just—

"It sounds stupid if I say it out loud." I blurt out forcefully holding back the tears that are threatening to fall, "hey, it's okay, you can tell me." She says quietly, shrugging her shoulders, I sigh and contemplate whether or not it's a good idea.

"It'll make me sound jealous's just when I saw you with your—you know husband, I felt hopeless, forced into a marriage with a guy that I didn't even like and I'm sure he feels the same way about me, it just feels like all my dreams about marriage and my future and everything you know, it just feels like my world is crushed upside down—knowing that I'll never experience that kind of love, it just makes me sad." I let out a breath as the words leave my mouth.

It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest but then regret sparks through my veins and I wonder if it was a bad idea to tell her, what if she thinks I'm jealous of her? Or worse? That I like her husband or something? What if—

My thoughts come to a halt when she pats my shoulder lightly, bringing my attention back to her, a genuine smile is spread across her face making her brown eyes shine with happiness as she sighs.

And softening my worries a little "I was just like you, don't worry I thought I'd end up with an asshole from the way my ex treated me, I thought I deserved to settle down with someone like that." She says, smiling sweetly as if she's recalling the memory.

"It's different with you." I hurry to say, regretting that I interrupted her but she doesn't look as bothered as I feel so that eases the tightness in my chest, "of course it is, but I'm just trying to prove to you that your mind normally tends to make up stuff that probably won't happen, your world can be flipped upside down in a day, you just said it yourself." She goes on, hope filling her expression.

I sigh and listen as she continues talking, "and also, if I remember correctly, you said you married a guy that you didn't like, is the past tense intentional or did it just slip accidentally?" She raises her brows at me, amusement flashing across her face.

Fuck "I mean—I don't tolerate him as much." I reply and I can feel the heat that's rising up my cheeks "and that's progress itself, Ekaterina, I know you won't believe me but have you seen the way he looks at you?" She asks swiftly and my brows furrow.

"Well, he glares most of the time if that's what you mean." I offer lightly and her face breaks into a grin, "I really like you." She adds under her breath and that causes a smile to uncontrollably spread across my face,

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