~I see it all now that you're gone~

348 14 17

Now playing: Dear John by Taylor Swift

You almost let him walk away, but you come to your senses, putting the shock aside.

"You know what? No." You turn to face him, fighting back tears. "I risked a shit ton coming near this damned castle to see you, because we were friends. Why the hell would you fake that?" 

"I guess it made it easier to get you to come back." You narrow your eyes at him, unsure of what he meant. Just then, you feel a grip on your wrist, and immediately start struggling against the coven guard to the side of you. In that moment, you stopped fighting the tears. You let them fall down your face as you screamed. Because if you were good at anything, it was acting. How else were you supposed to get what you want? Youngest child behavior, I guess.

"Please, you have to understand." You pleaded as you choked through tears. "I'm just a kid, I can't go to prison. They- they'll petrify me." The tears were real, but the reason wasn't. 

"Don't listen to them, they're nothing but a dirty pathetic liar." Hunter commands. 

"And you're a piece of shit who plays with other people's feelings for his own benefit." You glare at him. You see his eyes widen slightly, but the rest of his face shows no emotion.

"Bye bye, criminal." 

"Oh fuck off." You twist your wrists away from the coven scouts, summoning your palisman back into a staff and making a spell circle with it. "If begging doesn't work, magic sure as hell will." You climb on your staff as your abominations charge at the scouts. Tears start welling back up in your eyes as you turn to flip Hunter off one last time before shooting away too quickly for anyone to stop you. You won't look back anymore, if you do it'll ruin you.


"Y/N! Y/N!" Ophelia's jumping up and down excitedly before she realizes you've been crying. "What.. what happened?"

"It was all fake, Lia." You choke, falling into her arms. "He never liked me, he was just making it easier for me to come back after our everlasting oath was over. He tried to-" You hiccup. "He tried to arrest me again."

"Oh, N/N.. let's get you some water." She sighs, grabbing a glass from her bedside table and handing it to you. You take a sip and thank her quietly.

"Th-thanks." You whisper, handing it back to her so you can wipe your nose. 

"That boy had red flags written all over him, honey." She guides you to her bed and you sit down. "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, he's a piece of shit."

"Yeah, know your worth." She nods. "But.. don't force yourself to move on too fast, okay? It'll be better for you if you let your feelings out, first."

"Thanks." Is all you can get out. You want to love him and hurt him all at once. Like he did to you.


That fucking liar became the stupid Golden Guard a month later. Thank the Titan Lilith was still the leader, and the one on the posters.

"I keep seeing these stupid penstagram posts about the 'genius teen prodigy'." You complain to Ophelia.

"More like stupid piece of shit." She snorts, and you start laughing. 

Thank the Titan you don't give a shit about him anymore, and you never will again.

Cupid's Chokehold (Golden Guard/Hunter x GN reader) BOOK ONE | RE-EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now