~I'll loose my mind at least another thousand times~

897 31 32

Now playing: Devil Town by Cavetown

You and the coven guard fight for a minute, you hesitate to use too much strong magic until he uses some of his own. But he never does. After awhile he grabs you by the collar of your shirt and you don't struggle, wanting to see where this is going.

"Are we about to k-"

"No." He snaps, surprising you slightly. "You're gonna come with me to the castle, and you'll either join a coven, or rot in the conformatorium. Sound fun, 'sweetheart'?" He mocks your words from earlier, and you roll your eyes. 

"Your offer does sound appealing, hon. But I happen to have other plans for today, so if I may take my leave-" 

"It's not an offer." He cuts you off again. You widen your eyes, unable to hide your surprise at his sudden change in demeanor. It's kinda.. 

"If you asked for my consent to arrest me you'd be hotter, just saying." You shrug. 

"I forbid you to leave my side until we get to the emperor." The boy glares at you and lets go of your shirt.

"Just can't get enough of me, huh blondie?" You tease. "But you can't forbid me to leave. You're just one coven scout, aren't you?" He avoids eye contact for a second, and your smile widens. "Is that uniform even yours?"

"I forbid you to get further into the topic." He responds.

"You can't forbid me to do anything. You're just some random witch."

"The future Golden Guard!" 

"Right, right." You wave a hand in the air. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Blondie. But I'm gonna have to get goi-" You stop as you hear a familiar combination of music notes.

A sleeping spell. 

"Shoot." Your attempt to run away from the surrounding fog is met by nothing but darkness and the feeling of the forest floor against your skin.


Your eyes flutter open, and you rub the sleep out of them. It was definitely a strong spell, because your eyelids still felt heavy. The blonde boy had probably already taken you to the castle at this point. At least you were on your way. You could feel the movement of a shaking carriage along a bumpy road. Although you could see nothing in the darkness, you were sure you were on your way to the castle, and blondie was driving. You cast a small spell circle to make yourself feel less sore. You let out a sigh, allowing yourself to lay back against the wall of the carriage since your limbs felt like noodles. But instead of splintery wood you feel fabric, and warmth.

"Hm?" A familiar annoying (jk we love his voice) voice responds to your movement and you sit back up, trying to make out the shape of the other witch in the darkness. You can barely see him lift his hand to his head, probably due to a headache from the movement.

"Blondie, what the hell? Aren't you driving?" You whisper-yell, conjuring a light spell. 

"No, I thought you were.." He mutters. "You probably kidnapped me, huh? Your group of wild witches was probably behind it all. 'ooh, we should kidnap the emperor's nephew, what a great idea'" He mocks your fake group of wild witches. 

"Emperor's.. nephew?" You tilt your head. That crusty bitch has siblings? "Whatever. But I'm not kidnapping you, idiot."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I got knocked out too. Are you that stupid? I should be the one not trusting you." You cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at the witch in front of you in the dim light.

"Whatever!" He exclaims a bit too loudly, and the carriage stops.

"I can hear you two, you aren't quiet." A deep voice says from outside. Immediately you un-conjure your light spell, and start making your breathing quieter. You hear footsteps, and then see sunlight as the back of the small box-like thing is opened, and you can now clearly see the blonde kid sitting beside you. You look over to see a path in the woods, a tall man with purple hair and eyes, and silver skin looks down at you.

"Who are you?" You start, about to cast a spell circle but he beats you to it, restraining your wrists in rope. You laugh at his attempt. You try drawing a circle to burn the ropes.

"You think that'll stop m-" You pause as you notice your spell circle didn't work.

"Magic restraining rope." The man chuckles. 

"You never answered my first question." You mutter.

"I'm just the guy who does the dirty work for Mr. Whitlock." He shrugs. 

"And.. who's that?" You ask.

"A man who's willing to pay a lot of snails for a wanted criminal and the future golden guard." The man chuckles, about to close the door. You glance at the boy beside you. So he wasn't lying..

"I'll have you locked up forever for this, you know!" The blonde boy starts as the door closes. "Oh my Titan Belos is gonna kill me." He runs his hands through his hair, hyperventilating. 

"Woah there, Blondie, calm down." You mutter, unsure of how to clam someone you don't know.

"He's gonna kill me! I'm gonna die!" He starts laughing a bit, it's sad to listen to. "I just wanted to prove I was worthy of being the youngest Golden Guard, I didn't- I messed up my chances of ever living up to the past ones."

"For what it's worth.." You pause. You hate this guy, but he might be your only chance of getting out of here. "You fought me and you didn't even lose! You also didn't use magic, for some reason. So that's kinda cool-" 

"Whatever, criminal. Just leave me alone." He snaps. "And don't call me Blondie."

You roll your eyes, leaning against the side of the carriage. What did he want you to call him? 

"You're kind of an ass." You whisper. 

A/N: RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh rereading this is a trip down memory lane from like not that long ago

Cupid's Chokehold (Golden Guard/Hunter x GN reader) BOOK ONE | RE-EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now