~I'm the devil who's searching for redemption~

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Playing: I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE by Maneskin

"It's the L/N kid!" A voice calls from behind you as your hood slips off your head. "They've been missing for months!" 

You turn around, still running, and stick your tongue out at the coven guard who was chasing you. Sucks nobody's as fast as Y/N L/N. Your palisman, P/N, jumps from a window and lands on your shoulder perfectly as you spin back around, your cloak waving behind you. You smile at them. 

"You got it, bud?" You ask, and your palisman nods in response, dropping an amulet from their mouth into your palm. You're about to transform them into a staff before a thought hits you. 

You may as well mess with the coven a bit more before you make your escape. You unhook your cloak, letting it fall to the ground as you stop in your tracks. 

"Maybe if you say I put up a good fight once you actually caught up with me, you won't be fired, sweetheart." You say with a wink as you hop on your staff and fly away as fast as possible, leaving the guard standing angrily on the ground. You hook the amulet your palisman stole for you around your neck. It was supposed to allow you to read the thoughts of whoever you wished. It was in a heavily guarded magic artifact museum, but that was no problem for your partner in crime, P/N. 

After a few minutes of flying, you landed on the roof of your best friends house. Quietly, you snuck in through the sunroof, landing in her room.  

"Y/N!" They whisper harshly as you land on the floor of her bedroom and your palisman transforms back into an animal, hopping onto her bed to play with her palisman. "Don't scare me like that, I thought you were caught. What took so long?" Ophelia pets her palisman, a fennec fox named Zo.

"Wanted to stop and get snacks." You shrug, tossing her a bag of hex mix. 

"You're a wanted criminal, you can't just stop and get snacks at the store." Ophelia responds in a monotone voice. 

"Sure I can!" You laugh. "I did, didn't I? And I was only seen, not caught."

"And what happens if they saw you go to my house?" She sighs. "I could be expelled from Hexside, my family could be imprisoned. If you keep this up my dads won't be as happy to give you a place to stay."

You thought for a moment. It was reckless for you to almost give away where you were living. Ophelia's parents were both former wild witches, who only joined covens as cover so they could continue trying to destroy the coven system to help your generation. Both of them supported you fully and gave you somewhere to stay when you ran away from your family full of coven officials. They were good men, and you felt bad for being so careless. 

"You're right, Lia. I'm sorry." You sigh, climbing the ladder to the top bunk of her bunk bed. They used to share it with their older sibling, but they're attending college across the isles, so you used it now. Your palisman crawls up beside you, curling up on your pillow. 

"Night, lil dude." You whisper as Ophelia turns off the light.

"Goodnight, N/N." She says.



You woke up to the sunlight streaming in through the sunroof, and no sign of Ophelia or her palisman. She probably left for school while you slept in. 

"Alright, P/N. Let's go do something so we don't end up scrolling through penstagram all day again." You say, although scrolling through penstagram all day did sound appealing. You hop down from the bunk bed and standing on your staff to crawl through the sunroof.  The moment your palisman isn't a staff, they fall asleep on the floor. You sigh.

"Fine, you can stay here and take a nap." You laugh as you close the sunroof. They worked hard last night, and you didn't get back until 3 AM. 

You're walking through the forest, occasionally practicing plant magic on dying plants, or trying to identify different animals. Until a feeling overcomes you that makes your stomach uneasy and your skin tingle. The feeling that makes you feel unsafe, like when you're walking home in the dark after watching a horror movie, or hiking after telling ghost stories on a camping trip. 

"I know you're here." You say in an annoyed tone, stopping in your tracks. You hear rustling around behind you, to your left, behind you again, now your right. "You aren't very sneaky."

"You're- you're coming with me, Y/N L/N." The voice of a nervous boy who still hasn't finished puberty meets your ears and you sigh. What a waste of time this fight would be.

"I'd prefer you don't associate me with that family, but it kinda is a badass name, huh?" You laugh, turning around to see a kid in a coven uniform but without the mask. His hood is up over his ashy blonde hair, and a strand of it hands in front of his face. He seems about your age, and he's very.. scraggly. He has magenta eyes above eye bags deeper than the fnaf lore, and a scar on his cheek. 

"Hmm.." You pause for a moment as he glares at you, not breaking eye contact. "Yeah, okay. You're cute." 

"..Cute?" He pauses, his face pink. You laugh, pulling down the piece of fabric covering your nose and mouth. "You should be scared. I'm gonna take you to the conformation and you're gonna stay there your whole life.. unless you join the emperor's coven."

"And why should I be scared of you?" You laugh, tilting your head slightly as you pull down your hood as well. No point in hiding your identity now.

"Because I'm the future Golden Guard." He responds proudly, putting a hand to his chest. 

This guy, seriously?

He seems to notice your confusion.

"I'm being serious!" 

"Sure, sure." You nod, only believing him a bit. "If I join the Emperor's Coven, can we kiss?" You joke, taking a step forward. 

"What? You're a criminal. If you join the Emperor's Coven, you can live." 

This guy was no fun to mess with. Didn't mean you'd stop though.

You cast a spell circle, holding his wrists with vines and dangling him a few inches above the ground. You step closer to him. 

"Maybe I will join, if you can catch me." You tease, releasing him and stepping backward. You're fully prepared for whatever kind of powerful magic he shoots at you. 

But you're met with nothing. He quickly darts to the side, and you can't see him for a moment, until he appears behind you and tries tripping you, but you jump as he's about to kick you. 

"That all you can do, sweetheart?" 

Is he seriously gonna try fighting one of the strongest witches of his age group without magic?

A/N: The ending is a bit rushed, but I'm probably gonna make the rest of this scene a better pace in the next chapter

A/N: If authors notes are bold and italicized, it means this is me after re editing this months later, lmao

Cupid's Chokehold (Golden Guard/Hunter x GN reader) BOOK ONE | RE-EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now