~world collapsing, look how pretty it burns~

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Now playing: LALALA by Noah Finnce

You can't remember when you fell asleep, but it was definitely not that long ago. You can't believe that you might be back in bonesburough tonight.

"Y/N, are you up?" You squeeze your eyes shut tighter at the indication that it's morning.

"No." You mutter into the pillow.

"Oh alright, I guess I can get to bonesburough without you." He taunts. Suddenly, you're up.

"Uh huh." You roll your eyes. "Good luck with that."

"Thanks!" He smiles. You stare at him in disbelief because he's fully ready to go. 

"Gimme a minute." You mutter, putting your shirt back on over your tank top. You haven't changed in two weeks, and have been relying on hotel showers to keep your hygiene nice. Thank the Titan you know how to use plant magic or else your clothes would smell disgusting. You start tying up your boots, but Hunter is waiting impatiently by the door. "I sense you might be excited to get back."

"Are you an empath or something?" He asks sarcastically. 

"Uh huh." You nod as you tie the other shoe. 

"You seem upset."

"Now who's the empath?" You look at him, and he tilts his head slightly. "It's seven in the morning, Hunter. And.. I dunno, I'm gonna miss you." You say the last part so quietly that for a second you're hopeful he didn't hear you.

"Oh, yeah, yeah." He nods, but never agrees with you. You smile at him, and he returns it. "You ready now?"

"Sure, get me some hard apple blood and we can get going."

"You're fourteen."


"You can't have alcohol."

"Ever heard of a joke?"

"I hate you." 


"What's funny? Explain that joke thing to me, again?" He smiles at you tauntingly and you roll your eyes, your heart rate going up.

"Lets go, loser." You laugh, walking out the door ahead of him. He immediately passes in front of you to lead you outside. 

"I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when they find out I arrested you." He says in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'd say the same, but you know." You shrug. 

"I'll have to put your wrists in magic restraining rope when we get there, so it's not suspicious."

"Uh huh." You nod, the urge to make a joke about that was really strong, but he wouldn't get it. He's too oblivious. 

"Are you excited to get back?" He asks. Your eyes widen slightly, and you pause for a moment.

"..yeah. I really am." You nod. "I'm never wearing these clothes again."

"Okay, yeah. Are you excited for any other reason?"

"Yeah, absolutely." A real smile spreads across your face. "I'll get to see my palisman, and my best friend. I miss them both a lot."

"A palisman." He nods. "The [palisman species]?"


"What's their name?" He asks, rubbing the fabric of his pants nervously.

"P/N." You smile, hoping they're doing alright.

"Aren't palismen dangerous?"

"No, they're pets that are connected to you. And they're magic." You're a bit surprised, since you've never heard anybody considering palismen dangerous.

"Oh." He shakes his head. "Whatever. Your friend, what are they like?" He says the word like it was his first time.

"Ophelia? I met her when we went to Hexside, and she's the best. She's really nice, and very much the mom friend type. I was also friends with these kids Edric and Emira, but when I left Hexside I had to stop hanging out with them." You paused. "They're Blights, so-"

"Oh, I know Odalia." He nods, cutting you off. "She's great, been hoping to supply the emperor's coven with weapons and stuff, but none of it has been quite good enough for us." He says in a slightly bragging tone.

"She's a shitty ass mom, that's for sure. I feel bad for the youngest."

"The youngest Blight?"

"Amity." You nod, looking at Hunter. He looks confused. "Poor thing is super controlled by Odalia, she's a bit of an asshole because of it. And she's only twelve." 

"Well, success can make you seem that way." He counters.


"Ophelia sounds nice." Hunter says, changing the subject. "I've never had a friend."

"Are we not.. friends?" You respond.

"We shouldn't be." He nudges your shoulder, and you laugh.

"Yeah, alright coven boy." 

"You're actually the first witch my age I've ever met." He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"..really?" You stare at him, amazed at how sheltered he is.

"Uh.. yeah." He waves a hand in the air dismissively. "Are all witches our age like you?"

"Oh Titan no." You shake your head. "Everybody's different."

"So are you a little weird?"

"Wh-" You stare at him, not entirely sure if he meant that in a good way. "I guess.

"That makes sense."

"Shut up."


When the two of you start to recognize where you are, you can't handle the excitement. 

"Alright, time to give up your abilities of movement."

"Nice grammar." You compliment him as he gets some magic rope out of his bag. He takes your bag away from you and then ties your wrists together.

"Okay, you ready for this?"

"Actually.." You stare down at your wrists. "Can we stop somewhere first?"


Hexside School of Magic and Demonics.

You haven't been here in a long time. 

School should've just gotten out by now. You flinch at the screaming of the bell, and wait hiding around the corner for a familiar face. You made Hunter take the ropes off, and now there's an illusion spell making it look like they're still there. You cast another illusion spell, concealing yourself completely as you rush over and grab her arm.

"What the-" She starts, being dragged around the corner by an invisible force.

"Lia!" you exclaim, getting rid of the illusion and wrapping your arms around her.

"Y/N?" She stutters, pulling away from you. "Y/N! You're okay." She sinks back into a hug, but then backs away whens she sees Hunter behind you. "What happened to you? Where have you been? Is he your secret boyfriend or something?"

"I got kidnapped and taken across the Titan, I've been getting back here, and ew, no. This is Hunter. He's arresting me."


"Doesn't matter." He says, stepping up beside you. "Nice reunion, but we gotta go, Siren."


"Long story." You nod. "Alright, ropes." He ties the rope back around your wrist, and Ophelia is staring at the both of you, very confused.

"I don't know what the hell is going on here, but you'd better explain it all.

"No time. Love you, Lia." You smile as Hunter drags you away. "I'll see you tomorrow. Promise"

"I- love you too?" 


A/N: Me when I forget how to write

Cupid's Chokehold (Golden Guard/Hunter x GN reader) BOOK ONE | RE-EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now