An unwanted flashback

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Reflect sniffles a little, pushing the cube back a little as he hiccups again.

"its okay Reflect!" Ratchet assures. Reflect whines, pushing the cube back.

"Ratchet shout at Reflect." Reflect mumbles.

"he doesn't mean to. you hurt him, he can't help it." Wheeljack murmurs gently, working on Ratchet quickly.

"Reflect sorry. monster make head hurt really really really really bad." Reflect whimpers. Ratchet shakes his head and lets out a sigh.

"its alright." Ratchet assures, getting up. "thanks Jack for fixing it." Ratchet murmurs. Wheeljack nods.

"yeah, I can't believe he busted another audio." Wheeljack mutters.

"never busted one of mine." Ironhide shrugs.

"he's gotten me, Prime, Ratchet, I think he even got Bumblebee's once." Wheeljack frowns. Ironhide shifts the sparkling gently, giving him the cube back. Reflect sucks the cube down quietly, cuddling to Ironhide, little engine purring happily.

he sits up as soon as his cube is empty and looks over at Ratchet.

"no hit Ironhide." Reflect says.

"I won't." Ratchet assures. Ironhide chuckles softly, letting the sparkling up out of his lap. Reflect waddles over to Ratchet and cuddles up to him happily. "why are you walking like that?" Ratchet frowns.

"walk like what?" Reflect asks.

"you're waddling." Ratchet frowns.

"oh! I forgot to put grip on the bottom of his peds." Wheeljack says, reaching out and picking the sparkling up to show Ratchet the bottoms of the footed pajamas. "waddling keeps him from falling." he grins.

"I see." Ratchet says, taking the sparkling.

"plus its cute." Wheeljack chuckles.

"Reflect always cute!" Reflect squeals.

"yeah, you are." Wheeljack agrees. Reflect cuddles up to Ratchet, yawning.

"surely you can't be tired." Ratchet snorts, cuddling him. "you've only had two massive tantrums today." he adds. Reflect pouts at him, curling up in his arm.

"well, it is getting pretty late." Ironhide says, getting up. Reflect immediately turns and starts screaming at him as loud as he can, so Ironhide sits back down. "what?" Ironhide ask.

"no leave without Reflect!" Reflect screams, shoving away from Ratchet and runs over to Ironhide, clinging to him.

"what? Reflect you can't stay with me every night kid. you need to stay with Ratchet and Wheeljack." Ironhide murmurs.

"NO! REFLECT GO WITH IRONHIDE!" Reflect screeches.

"you know he's scared for you Ironhide." Wheeljack frowns.

"yeah but he's your sparkling not mine. he needs to stay with you guys, not the bot Sentinel is apparently out to kill." Ironhide frowns. Reflect screams louder, holding tightly to his arm. "now let go of me." Ironhide huffs, shaking his arm. Reflect whines, gripping his arm as tight as he can with both his arms and legs. "let go! ya little bug!" Ironhide frowns.

"no! Reflect go too!" Reflect shouts. Ironhide looks over at Ratchet and Wheeljack.

"well, c'mon! one of you help me." Ironhide glares. Ratchet looks over at Wheeljack, who meets his gaze looking amused.

"nah." comes the unison reply. Ironhide scoffs.

"what? what do you mean 'nah'?" Ironhide growls.

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