Meet Barricade

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it had taken nearly a week to get the little sparkling sitting up and crawling again, bringing a sense of peace of the Autobot base. he could get himself around again and that made everyone happy. he wasn't as fast as he'd been before, but he wasn't far off of it. he was glad to be up and moving again, just as the rest of the Autobots were.

something had changed with the sparkling, like his sparkling programming had been shut down for the most part, Will could finally act like himself for the most part. the stupid past Prime were still basically controlling him though. he still couldn't reveal himself.

Wills voice box was an issue. anytime he tried to tell everyone it was really him, it would short out and reset itself back to the sparkling chatter. Ratchet had yet to figure out why it was happening, but Will was sure it was the past Primes. they didn't want him telling everyone just yet. why? he had no idea, but they didn't want everyone knowing yet.

Ratchet and Wheeljack had yet to give him a name, but they were watching him closely, apparently he would develope his abilities soon and then would get a name. Will was dreading that. he already had a name!

the sparkling is currently making his way towards the rec room, not without Jazz following him of course. ever since he'd come back online, he was never to be left alone. the sparkling didn't blame them all for being over protective, he'd almost died after being run over, so he ignored the tail for the most part, but always made sure to keep a pace the bot could keep up with. the sparkling stops to look behind him, Jazz has fallen behind once again probably to talk to someone. he growls in annoyance.

"Jas!" the sparkling shouts, sounding annoyed. this was the forth time.

"I'm coming! sorry sparkling!" Jazz calls, jogging after him. "I'm back, sorry." Jazz chuckles. the sparkling huffs annoyed, but keeps crawling his way towards the rec room.

he does his best to avoid bots, but those that get in his way get headbutted. he's not afraid with his new reinforced helm, he'd headbutted a wall to see how hard it was and didn't even get a dent! most are smart enough to move, knowing his new helm could cause them a good few dents, but Will almost always ends up running into Prowl. the mech is smart, probably the smartest bot on base besides Wheeljack, but never seemed to care that the sparkling would run into him full force if he didn't move. Will was beginning to wonder if the bot was getting in his way on purpose. it would be amusing if it wasn't so annoying.

"hey Prowler might wanna move, he's on a mission today." Jazz snorts. the third in command looks up, then back down at the sparkling barreling towards his feet. "he almost took down Bumblebee, I'd move." Jazz chuckles. Prowl raises an optic ridge.

"hello sparkling." Prowl mutters, picking his foot up out of the little mechs way. Prowls come to start talking to the little mech, now that he can talk back. the sparkling crawls under it immediately and keeps going.

"bye Powl." he mumbles, heading for the couch.

several bots are sitting around playing games, but of course Ironhide is his main target. he didn't have the strength to pull himself up anymore so he plops down in front of the large mechs feet.


one day when Ironhide knows who he is and he can speak full sentences with the bigger mech, he'll talk about how high Ironhide jumped and laugh, but for now he just settles on laughing. Ironhide glares down at the giggling sparkling.

"you little shit." Ironhide mutters, scooping him up and plopping the sparkling on his lap. he's careful to hold the sparkling with one servo, his other servo holding his controller.

"ha!" he grins. he settles onto Ironhides lap happily, looking over at the other bots playing with him.

"hey squirt, thanks for forgiving me." Sunstreaker murmurs, reaching over to pat the sparklings head. the sparkling turns to grin at him, before settling back against Ironhide again.

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