A reverse, for now

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Will climbs down from the berth carefully, like he's done repeatedly since he became a sparkling.

"just com Ironhide when you have an answer." Will mutters, heading out of the medbay.

Ironhide immediately scoops him up.

"c'mon, I got each of us a cube in my room." Ironhide says. Will nods at him, letting him carry him.

Ironhide locks the door behind him, setting Will on the berth. he can feel the other is upset.

"whats wrong? what happened?" Ironhide ask.

"I couldn't take all the yelling." Will murmurs. Ironhide frowns at him. "I hate this... I did it this way so I wouldn't hurt anyone any more than I had to and Ratchet just screamed at me. I'm really trying my hardest here and every choice I make is just... wrong." Will mutters, sitting and burying his face in his servos. Ironhide sits beside him.

"this is a lot to take in. if I didn't have the bond telling me it was real I'd probably freak out. the bond is pretty grounding." Ironhide mutters. "you don't need to worry, okay? just relax. in just over 14 hours they won't even remember it, neither will you." Ironhide murmurs.

"I will in seven years, so will they! I should've just told the Primes I chose to stay with you." Will says.

"stop it." Ironhide frowns. "look, this is hard on them okay? so just relax, you're doing the right thing. in seven years they'll remember today and Ratchet will feel stupid when he realizes that you actually chose to stay with them." Ironhide murmurs. Will sighs a little. Ironhide scoops him up gently, placing him on his lap. "here, you haven't had one today." Ironhide murmurs.

"yes I have. I had one at three am when I woke up starving. Prowl gave it to me." Will mutters.

"well it won't do you any good if yoru systems shut down. don't try to lie to me, I know much energon it takes for a sparkling to drive around like that." Ironhide murmurs.

"I just... feel sick." Will mutters. Ironhide shifts to look at him.

"Will?" Ironhide ask.

"I want this day to end early." Will murmurs.

"I don't." Ironhide admits. Will looks up at him. "I get one day with you for the next seven years, I'd like it to last a little longer." Ironhide says softly. Will looks down.

"what if I stay with you?" Will ask, hesitantly.

"then you're just confirming Ratchets fear. you've made the best choice Will." Ironhide murmurs softly. "I don't mind waiting for you, and I know this is harder on you than anyone else, but please don't end this day because Ratchet yelled at you." Ironhide adds.

"I'm sorry." Will says softly. "I'm really sorry. you're the bot I want to hurt the least and I'm hurting you the most." Will adds.

"sometimes doing the right thing hurts... what is it the humans say? no good deed goes unpunished." Ironhide says.

"I love you. I'm just an idiot." Will mutters, reaching for his cube. Ironhide hands it to him, before opening his own.

"I love you too idiot." Ironhide smirks. Will laughs a little.

"I won't end this day early. I promise." Will assures. Ironhide smiles at him.

"good. I'd hate to punt Ratchets sparkling across the base." Ironhide smirks. Will laughs and leans back against him.

"I wanna say I've missed this, but there wasn't really anything to miss on my end. I knew I was sitting with you and talking, but I know you didn't know. I know its hard Hide, I promise, if there was another way, I'd do it." Will says.

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