Meet Prowl

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now that he could walk, and run, the sparkling was faster than ever! he never slowed down, he still never ran from Ratchet ever, but no other bot on base could catch him that easily. Bumblebee had gotten pretty good at chasing him down, but none of it was serious. the sparkling would giggle the whole time as he ran through the base bringing a feeling of joy to the entire base, to the point that no one could be angry. the joyous sound of the sparklings laughter always very easily over came their frustrations when the sparkling ran off. it was all a game to sparkling so they figured they could play along and have fun.

"come here you little slagger!" Sideswipe laughs, running after the sparkling. the sparkling doesn't slow, he runs off, speeding past every Autobot he can without a care in the world, until he comes across a bot he doesn't know. they don't immediately move out of his way, its confusing. everyone almost always moves out of his way.

"and just who are you?" a new voice asks. the sparkling skids to a stop, looking up confused. there's a black and white mech standing in front of him, datapad in servo, looking down at him. the sparkling immediately screams, making the bot jump back slightly.



he turns and runs off as fast as he can, running straight past Sideswipe and to the closest bot he knew could protect him, Ironhide. the mechs been spending more time out of his room lately, usually to play poker with some of the other bots. he hugs the big black mechs leg the best he can, whining. all the bots at the table look over at him shocked.

"what the frag?" the bot mutters.

"hey are you okay sparkling?" Sideswipe asks, walking over confused. Ironhide looks down confused, putting his cards down gently before picking the little sparkling up. the whole table looks over worriedly.

"whats wrong sparkling?" Hound asks.

"hey little one, whats wrong? are you okay?" Ironhide ask, putting the little bot on his lap. the sparkling stands up in his lap, gripping parts of his armor and nearly screaming in the weapon specialists faceplates.


click twitter twitter chirp click click chirp!

"woah, take it easy squirt. its okay. its alright." Ironhide frowns, holding him. he looks at Sideswipe confused. "what happened?" Ironhide ask.

"no idea. squirt ran into Prowl and lost his mind." Sideswipe frowns.

"Prowl? I don't think he's met him yet. he doesn't like strangers. you know that." Ironhide frowns, getting up. he carries the sparkling over to the military strategist, who frowns confused. he looks down at the sparkling then back up at Ironhide.

"Ironhide is that yours?" Prowl frowns, raising an optic ridge at him.

"nah, we found him out on the battlefield. Ratchet and Wheeljack are his caregivers." Ironhide says. he shifts the sparkling and points at Prowl. "look sparkling this is Prowl. he's Primes third in command, he's a strategist, he won't hurt you." Ironhide explains to the little bot.



Ironhide smiles at the little bot, holding him out a little towards Prowl.

"he's alright, see? he shouldn't have gotten in your way hmmm?" Ironhide asks, patting the sparklings head.

"he's not a Decepticon?"


"introduce yourself to him. he doesn't like new bots." Ironhide frowns, looking at Prowl. the shorter mech looks at Ironhide confused, before looking at the sparkling.

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