The ending is here

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Sentinel has been on base for 8 months, and Reflect still hasn't warmed up to him, not that he's had the chance.

Weird things have been happening. things he doesn't understand. Things that have to do with Deceptions.

Ratchet had done everything he could to keep the sparkling out of it, but Reflect knew. the sparkling knew the war raged on and had expressed interest in becoming a medic as well, so Ratchet had started training him.

He and Ratchet were currently on the N.E.S.T. base. the medic was teaching his sparkling a more advanced form of first aid. The sparkling would be three in human years soon, and up to Ratchets middle in height, and had shown interest in both being an inventor and a medic. So Ratchet had pulled out his old books from when he was a youngling. Wheeljack had been ecstatic and made projects for them to work on in the lab, and even built a dummy for Ratchet and Reflect to use for practice.

"Now Reflect, disarm it. You don't want to get shot trying to help a comrade." Ratchet murmurs, turning away.

"Ratchet!" Reflect yelps. Ratchet turns quickly.

"I said disarm not dearm!" Ratchet shouts.

"B-but I didn't! It fell off! All I did was touch it!" Reflect whines.

"Of course, you're friggin idiot of an inventor father doesn't know how to build anything." Ratchet snaps, taking the arm from the sparkling. "damn inventor." Ratchet growls.

"you leave Jack alone! he does his best!" Reflect grumbles. The medic pats his head gently.

"you're right little one I'm sorry." Ratchet murmurs.

They can hear a commotion outside and Ratchet frowns.

"Stay here Reflect!" Ratchet warns. Reflect watches him go, before poking out of the base.

Bots are everywhere fighting, Bumblebee desperately attempting to protect both Sam and Cade. He's not concerned until he finds Ironhide struggling with Sentinel, energon pouring from his chest. Sentinel pulls back, shooting the mech again. Ironhide collapses, trying to drag himself backwards away from the Prime. he's using one arm to drag himself backwards and is covering the wounds, leaking energon from his chest. Reflects Prime mark flashes and he growls.

"Ironhide!" Reflect shouts, teleporting from the base. He lands a few feet away from Ironhide, stumbling as he lands, still struggling with Sentinel. the mech has hold of the barrel of Sentinels gun, desperately trying to get it to point away from his head.

Ironhide grunts, trying to push Sentinel off him, the Prime was literally trying to take his head off! until a bot suddenly tackled Sentinel off the downed mech. Ironhide looks confused, holding his bleeding chest. he winces, trying to sit himself up.

"Huh?" He murmurs, looking up. There standing before him, is Reflect. Older looking and taller. his armor is still shifting and moving into position. he growls, putting his fists, punching the Prime once. he looks absolutely fuming. Ironhides never seen such an angry look on Reflects face.

"You stupid fragger! How many times do I have to tell you, he's MINE!" the mech roars, punching the Prime in the face. Sentinel roars, grabbing the smaller and throwing him aside. Reflect rolls and jumps back up, running at him. he kicks the bigger mech hard in the face, it knocks the red mech down long enough for the grey mech to mimic Ironhides cannon and blow Sentinels head off. The mech huffs steam out his nose, growling as he drops the mimic, panting. "don't fuck with my fucking bondmate!" Reflect snaps.

"h-huh...?" Ironhide asks. the mech turns and smiles at him.

"sure you don't need me to help you fight your battle?" Reflect grins, offering a servo out to him. Ironhide stares at him, unmoving, simply glancing down at his servo, then back up to his face. so the mech chuckles, crouching down. Ironhide watches him carefully, unsure if his optics are functioning properly. Reflect smiles a little, afraid to startle him and get attacked. the mech has two rather large wounds in his chest, he's probably in shock and Reflect doesn't want the mech to react badly to him and injure them both. that wouldn't be good. "hey, Ironhide, it's okay. Just me." Reflect murmurs, patting his cheek.

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