Crying for the Prime

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"Ironhides gonna have a little sleep over with you in the medbay tonight, sound good?" Ironhide ask. Reflect nods and reaches for him once the mech has sat himself on a berth.

"Ironhide have movie like Jack?" Reflect ask. he chuckles a little.

"I'm sure I can find something while Ratchets getting me all set up." Ironhide snorts.

"Ratchet." Sideswipe calls, running into the medbay.

"Sideswipe?" Ratchet ask, looking confused. "What do you want?" he frowns.

"its Sunny, somethings wrong." Sideswipe says quickly. Ratchet frowns, passing the sparkling over to Ironhide quickly.

"I'll be back to set you up but don't be too surprised if you two end up having company in here tonight." Ratchet says, rushing off after Sideswipe. Reflect squeals excitedly, squirming from Ironhides grasp so he can get down. Ironhide lets him down gently, watching the sparkling run off to grab his toys. he runs back over and lets Ironhide pull him back up.

"movie?" Reflect asks.

"I'm working on it." Ironhide mutters, laying back. Reflect curls up with him happily.

"Ironhide?" Wheeljack asks, worriedly.

"hmm?" Ironhide ask, sitting up to look at the inventor.

"are you okay? did Ratchet find something?" Wheeljack asks.

"no. no I'm fine, just spending the night in here to make him feel better." Ironhide mutters.

"movie!" Reflect squeals.

"and finding a movie." Ironhide mutters.

"oh Reflect are you and Ironhide watching a movie?" Wheeljack chuckles. Reflect nods excitedly.

"movie!" Reflect giggles.

"figured it might help him get to sleep." Ironhide murmurs, shifting the sparkling gently. Reflect yawns and shakes his head.

"no. not tired." Reflect mumbles.

"you're a little tired little one, yeah?" Ironhide ask.

"no. not tired." he pouts.

"well, I'm tired alright? so you're gonna get some rest if you want to stay with me. got it?" Ironhide ask. Reflect pouts a little and cuddles up to him.

"okay." he mumbles sadly.

"its alright, we'll get up early in the morning and go for a race alright?" Ironhide ask. Reflect perks up happily.

"okay!" he squeals. Ironhide winces at the squeal..

"alright, alright, I found a movie, now you lay back and get quiet alright?" Ironhide ask. Reflect nods a little, laying his head on Ironhides chestplates happily. "get your fingers out of your mouth." Ironhide warns. Reflect lifts his head up and growls around the fingers in his mouth.

"he's just being a sparkling Ironhide." Wheeljack murmurs.

"yeah and?" Ironhide ask.

"it won't hurt him, just let him teethe on his servo. keeps him from teething on our armor." Wheeljack mutters. "its a normal part of having a sparkling Ironhide, if it hurts him, he'll stop." Wheeljack shrugs. Ironhide frowns a little.

"whatever." Ironhide mutters. Reflect giggles quietly, cuddling up to him. he casts a movie onto the ceiling with his projector and lays back silently.

Reflects so sleepy he's not even watching the movie, its basically just Ironhide and Wheeljack watching. Ironhide its absentmindedly rubbing his thumb up and down Reflects side gently, like he used to do with Will when he and Will curled up to sleep, generally when Will didn't feel good. the sparkling was terrified Ironhide was going to die so he was going to cuddle the sparkling as much as he could until he reassured the sparklings fears. there was also a faint hope Will would talk to him tonight, though he truely believed Will would still be to pissed to talk to him, but Ironhide needed answers.

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