Chapter 17

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It's finally here. The inevitable... the end... death... Dean's death. But we haven't given up yet. At least I haven't. Dean... well he didn't really stay strong. He was up until a week ago, but when we still hadn't found a way to save him... he just kind of gave up. But, there's still a chance to keep his ass from going to the pit. This chick named Bella told us who holds his deal; some big time demon named Lillith. Sam summoned his demon friend Ruby so we could get the demon blade, which we did.

I look outside the window at Bobby's as they're packing up their weapons and other needed essentials for taking down Lillith. Dean walks up to me, not saying a word. I break the silence.

"You know, I almost feel ashamed that someone... that you could be that important to me... that without you I feel like nothing," I speak, but Dean stays quiet, knowing that I haven't finished what I have to say. "No one will ever understand how much it hurts... to lose the person I lose you."

"You haven't lost me yet," Dean replies after a long moment of silence.

"I know." I say. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Why does this sound like goodbye?" I ask, a tear slipping down my face.

"It's not goodbye. Not yet at least." He wraps his arms around me and holds me as tight as he can, still allowing me to breath. His warmth makes me feel safe. What am I supposed to do without that? God, what am I doing?! I'm not giving up! Not yet... not ever.

I try to get some rest on the ride up, but I fail. There's no way I'll be able to sleep when we're nearly twelve hours till the possible death of Dean. It's dark when we reach New Harmony, Indiana. We park the car near the house that Lillith is in. It's completely surrounded by people, at least what I thought were people. According to Dean, they are demons. I guess he can tell if they're monster or not now. That can be a good thing.

After Bobby blesses the water system, we run up to the house, turn on the sprinklers and now... we have an unofficial safety line between demons and humans. Now all we have to worry about is Lillith. We open the door to the house. There's cake on the dining room table. Out of nowhere, a man jumps out at Dean, but he quickly counters and grabs him, covering his mouth.

"Sir, I need you to go downstairs. Don't open the door until we say it's okay."

"No, not without my wife." Awe how cute. My emotions are abruptly put to an end once Dean knocks the man out and puts him in the basement. My heart is beating like a snare drum by the time we get upstairs. I go with Sam. We enter the little girls bedroom. The mother lays on the bed with her daughter... at least what looks like her daughter.

"Do it," the mother whispers. "Do it!" The little girl begins to move. Sam raises the knife in attempt to stab her, but she opens her eyes and screams. Dean rushes in.

"Its not the girl." We were so close. We move the girl and her mother into the basement, accompanied by the man we put there before, who I'm sure is up by now.

"Alright. What do you need me to do? How do I save him?" Sam asks Ruby.

"It's too late Sam. We needed time."

"Sam! What the hell are you doing?!" Dean asks.

"I'm not gunna let you go to hell Dean!"

"Yes you are! Yes you are," Dean assures. "I'm sorry, I know this is all my fault... But what you're doing isn't gunna save me. it's only gunna kill you."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Keep fighting, take care of my wheels. Remember what dad taught you... remember what I taught you." A tear falls down his cheek.

"Dean," I say, worry on my face and tears in my eyes.

"Hey Em."

"You're giving up?" I ask.

"Em, I need you to stay strong, just like I told you. You gotta take care of Sammy. Make sure Bobby doesn't do anything stupid." Dean chuckles.

"Dean, this is not goodbye. You are not saying goodbye to me."

"Keep an eye out for my baby too. Make sure Sammy doesn't do anything to change her. Take her for a ride every once in a while... and picture me in that passenger seat with you, right by your side, because that's what will keep me going down there... I love you, always remember that."

"Dean..." He rushes towards me and smashes his lips to mine. Tears flow down my cheeks. He pulls away and I notice the tears in his eyes. "I love you... so much."

"I know," he calmly says, stroking my hair. "I love you."

The clock begins to sound and I look to Dean. Worry and fear is plastered all over his face. "Hellhounds..." We run into another room and latch the doors shut. Dean spreads a dark mixture on the floor next to the door.

"Sam, give me the blade, maybe I can fight it off."

"Sam, that's not Ruby," Dean says. Sam raises the blade but isn't quick enough. Lillith throws the blade across the room and presses Sam up against the wall.

"How long have you been in her?" I ask.

"Not long... but I like it. It's all grown up and pretty."

"Where's Ruby?" Sam asks.

"Oh she was a very bad girl, so I sent her far far away."

Dean says some snarky comment that I don't listen to because I'm too busy focusing on the fact that he is going to die in who knows how long. My focus is brought back to Sam as Ruby kisses him on the lips.

Sam offers himself instead of Dean, but Ruby says that he doesn't have anything she wants.

"So this is your big plan? Drag me to hell, kill Sam and Em, and become queen bitch?" Dean asks.

"I don't have to answer to puppy chow," she snaps. She slowly walks over to the door and opens it. "Sick 'em boys."

Dean is pulled to the floor and all I see is his stomach being torn to shreds.

"No! Stop!" I yell. "Stop it!" Tears flow continuously down my face.

"Stop! No!" Sam yells as Dean rolls around on the floor. I can hear the sound of bones breaking. Blood splashes all over the floor. "No!"

"Yes." Ruby raises her hand towards Sam and a bright light flashes. I rush towards Dean and place his head in my lap.

"Dean..." A tear slips from my face and lands on his. "Dean you have to wake up. I need you to wake up! Please..." I cry, placing his face against mine one last time. "I love you... always remember that."

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