Chapter 12

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I can't fall for Em... but I think I already have. I cant help but look at her smile, which doesn't appear often. I know it's because of me too. I don't want her to come on this case. She doesn't know how to fight, she doesn't know how to handle situations... situations like these.

We're almost there. She's getting hyper, I can tell. The classic rock plays and she hums along to Kansas. I look at her in the mirror and quickly catch her eyes. I look away, not wanting to make it weird. I tend to do that. We get to the motel and put our suitcases in the room. Sam and I quickly put on our suits and ties and start to head out the door when Em stops us.

"Please let me come. I won't do anything. Dean... Please." She looks up at me with her puppy dog eyes. God I hate it when she does that.

"Fine. But you're staying out of the way." She runs to the bathroom and changes. When she exits the room, she's wearing a gray pencil skirt and a dressy blue top. We get in the car and Sam sits in the back with Em trying to teach her about the case. I see the way he looks at her and I don't like it. Yea yea... I don't get to say that, but I can't help it.

We pull up to the police station. I hand her and Sam their fake badges and we walk inside.

"FBI. We'd like to talk to you about the recent deaths in town."

"Of course," the tall slim man hands us a folder filled with papers.

"So, could you give us a brief update please," Sam asks.

"Nothing were really sure about. Bodies were found with their hearts ripped clean out of their chests. Now these bags were found near every body." He hands us a picture. Sam and I share a look.

"Thank you for your time." Em says and we leave.

We go check out one of the sites of the dead bodies. As we are looking around, Em notices something.

"Guys come over here. There's wax on the floor."

"Doesn't surprise me." I say.

Em looks upset.

"Emily, what's wrong?" Sam asks.

"Umm... nothing."

"Let's just go."

We drive back to the motel and Em is silent the entire ride. She gets inside, immediately plops on the bed and opens her sketchbook. Time passes and she's still drawing. It's probably about 8:00 now. She hasn't eaten which is really weird. She closes the sketchbook and says she's going to bed. She goes and changes and then crawls back in bed.

Sam and I don't fall asleep until 2 maybe 3 am. Research does that to a man. All of a sudden Em wakes up screaming. I rush to her side but she refuses me and runs to Sam. She wraps her arms around him and he does it too. Talk about rejection.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks.

"I had this dream... this woman, she had this red hair, she was trying to put a spell on me. She had me tied up... I didn't know what to do." She pants.

"Shh, it's okay. We're gunna keep you safe. Nothing's going to happen to you." Sam has always been a good comforter.

She snuggles next to Sam and falls asleep. He puts his arm around her. I give him an evil glare and go to sleep.

When I wake up, Sam is still asleep which surprises me. His arm is still wrapped around her. I open the laptop and start the research. Em starts to move. She sits up and looks around the room.

"Who are you!" She screams.


"Em it's us... Sam and Dean." I reply, confused as hell.

"Where am I?"

Sam wakes up. "Emily... are you okay?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Em, relax. We're the Winchesters... were protecting you fro-" Shit.

"Shit... Dean, it's the witch. She must have put an amnesia spell on her to forget us."

She jumps out of the bed and moves into the corner.

"Please... Just don't hurt me."

"We're not going to hurt you." Sam assures. He moves toward her. "We're going to figure out how to get rid of the spell."

"Spell, what spell?"

"Don't worry about it," I say. "Just please sit down and relax. We'll put a movie in okay?"

"Dean we gotta figure this out. We need her to remember us."

"Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing." Dean says.

"What?" I ask, confused as to what he meant.

"If she doesn't remember us, she won't know about all those bad things, she won't know about how I hurt her."

"So that's what this is about. Dean, you can fix things. And if she doesn't know about all those monsters, she could get hurt even worse. The best freaking hunters are here to protect her."

"I just... I can't leave her."

"Dean, we'll find a way to save you."

"And if we don't?"

"We will." He looks upset, I know he is.

I open the laptop and start to look. I'm not going to stop until she remembers Dean, until she remembers me.

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