Chapter 9

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I can see Em's chest move up and down. Our bodies are together. I don't think either of us really notices. I place my hand against hers and interwine our fingers. I almost wince at the touch. Her hand is ice cold. I wish it were later, so we could just fall asleep together. I break the connection, getting up and opening the door.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I'm going to run and get some food, what do you want?"

"Fries," She shoots. The energy across her face is extatic.

I throw her a signature smirk and head out the door. It takes me about ten minutes to get the food and return to the motel. Em is sprawled out on the bed drawing in her sketchbook. Her back curves pefectly against the open motel air. She jumps up and slams the book closed.

"Do you think you'll ever let me see your drawings?" I ask.

"Maybe..." She winks.

I hand her her fries and she plops back down on the bed. "Put the scary one in," She says.

"Okay, okay," I reply. I sit on my bed, but she motions for me to sit by her instead. She passes me the frries and I pass her the soda. "

"What, no other straw?" She jokes.

"Haha," I laugh. "Very funny."

I can almost see the hunger in her eyes, so I give her the fries back. The movie goes as planned. She screams a few times and ends up chucking her fries in the air. They land all over me. She picks them off of my chest and puts them in her mouth. I laugh. She's not afraid to be herself, which I love.

As she continues to pick the fries out of the blankets and putting them in her mouth, I brush the hair out of her eyes. She always covers her face, and I don't know why. She crawls to the edge of the bed and her shirt is half way up her back. I see bruises... on her back, her waist. I want to ask her where they came from, but I dont want to intrude. I decide to ignore it.

She's managed to scrounge up all of the fries that flew on the bed. She returns to my side and looks up a me, her blue eyes bright as ever. I smile at her and return my gaze to the TV. It's nothing I havent seen before. Murder, spirits, death, blood, the usual.

She places her head on my chest and I hope she cant hear my heart racing. I stroke her hair with my fingers.

"Dean," she says.

"Yea, Em."

"You won't let anything happen to me right?"

"Of course I wont. I'll protect you, dont worry."

"You know what?"

"What?" I ask.

"We should go out."

"Go out?"

"Yea, like go toa club or something. I wanna get out of this dump... no offense."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea! It'll be fun!" At this point she's kneeling beside me on the bed.

"Alright... go get ready," I say and she jumps off the bed. She grabs her suitcase and runs into the bathroom. I figure it will be a while, so I quickly put on my tux. It might be a little too fancy, but the only other thing I have is my FBI suit.

Em sings as she gets ready. I assume she's doing her hair or make up or something. She's been in there for about an hour.

"Are you almost ready?" I ask.

"Yea, just give me a second. Beauty takes time," She replies. I laugh.

I turn my head as I hear the bathroom door open. She stands there in the blue dress she tried on at the store. God she looks beautiful. Her hair is curled and her face looks as if it's sarkling. Her heels add a few inches, so she's almost as tall as me.

"Wow," is all I can manage to say. "You look... amazing." She smiles.

"You don't look too bad yourself Winchester," she says.

"Here I have something for you." I pull a small box out of my pocket. While she was in one of the stores, I ran to the jewelry place across the hall. I hand it to her.

"Dean! You didn't have to get me these." They're daimond earings.

"Do you like them?" I ask. "I figured they would match the rhinestones on the dress."

"I love them!" I smile and giver her a hug.

"You ready?"

"Yep." We head out the door. I open the door to the impala for her and she slides in. Its nice having her next to me.

When we get to the club, I park my baby and head to the line. It's surprisingly short. We wait for about twenty minutes until getting let inside. The strobe lights flash and the music is blasting. It's not my type of atmosphere, but Em seems to be enjoying herself, so I keep my mouth shut.

We take a seat at the bar first. We order two shots and she chugs it, slamming the glass on the counter. I hint the bar tender for another round. He fills up the glasses and slides them over to us. After about four shots, Em drags me out onto the dance floor. I do NOT dance.

After a few moments of awkwardly standing there, Em presses her body up ahainst mine. Her hips move to the music. I rest my hands on her waist and move my body too. She turns around and smiles. A couple minutes later, a man approaches Em and grabs her. She twists and turns against him. I don't want her to notice how upset I am, so I find the nearest girl and press my body against hers. I'm not jealous... I don't care. We're not a thing, she can live her life how she wants.

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