Chapter 3

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I wake up to Dean spreading the curtains yelling, "Rise and shine, sweetheart." My face turns pink at the sound of 'sweetheart' rolling off his lips. The sun shines in my face for a few seconds before Sam closes the shades. I understand why, we don't want anyone knowing where they are. Im sure they aren't squeaky clean when it comes to the law.

I remove the covers to reveal my not so swollen ankle. The bruises have faded too. I turn my body, perpendicular to the bed. As I begin to step off the bed, Sam rushes to my side and sits me back down.

"You need to take it easy, your ankle isn't going to heal itself overnight."

Sam is right, but I'm so eager to learn how to fight. They promised they'd teach me how to defend myself when I healed up. Dean turns the TV on and I notice the news lady talking about a fire on Judrent Lane... That's my street. They zoom in on the building. That's my apartment! I place my hand on my mouth, holding back the sobs. My vision becomes blurry as my eyes fill with water.

"What's wrong, Em?" Dean asks.

"That's my home," I blurt out as Sam puts his arms around me. I Push my face into his chest. I hope he doesn't mind that i got some tears on his shirt... I couldn't help it.

It takes me a while to realize that I dreamed about this last night. I dreamed that my home would burn, but it doesn't make sense, my parents are already dead... Who died in the fire? I return my gaze to the screen, wiping the tears from my face. My make up is smeared across my cheeks, but i don't care about that at the moment.

"A body was found in the bedroom upstairs which appears to belong to Emily Lanson." The reporter informed.

I panic, everybody thinks I'm dead! Who is the person that died in the fire then? And why were they in my apartment? Tears flow down my face. Sam leaves and Dean takes his place. I place my face into his chest, as I did Sam. He puts his arms around me and squeezes my shoulder, showing he's there and I can trust him.

Dean seems like the type of guy who doesn't give a damn about anybody but his brother. He hides his true feelings behind the flirtation and smell of alcohol. Once you get to know him, he's a really sweet guy. I feel safe around him, and Sam.

After I finish crying, I try walking. Dean is by my side the entire time, making sure I don't hurt myself even more. My hand is in his. His hands are rough, but a good kind of rough. The kind that teaches you he works hard. Plus he's not the kind of guy that would lotion his hands regularly.
he rubs his thumb across the top of my hand and I look at him. Our eyes lock. As cliche as it sounds, it seemed as if he was looking in me, at my soul. I look away, not wanting Sam to feel too awkward. As I reach Sam at the other end of the room, my leg hurts like hell. I'm exhausted. Dean carries me over to the bed after he notices the tired look in my eyes at they meet once more. He manages to be even more attractive as he struggles lifting me up off the ground.

I sit up on the bed and Sam hands me a breakfast burrito. I take a bite as Dean watches me, practically drooling.

"Want some sunshine?" I ask, Dean chuckles.

"No, sweetheart, it's all yours."

There it is again, "Sweetheart" It feels right. The last person to ever call me sweetheart was my dad. I frown but quickly put up a fake smile, not wanting them to notice.

We talk for a long time, about my home. They say that they'll take me shopping so i can get some new clothes. I don't want them to have to pay for me, but then again, all of my money was in my apartment. Plus, it isn't really their money.

I decide to attempt to take a shower. My hair is greasy and I probably smell terrible. Dean hands me a towel after he helps me walk to the bathroom. He lets me borrow one of his t-shirts too. It smells like alcohol and lemons... i like it. I take my time in the shower because Sam and Dean already did. The hot water feels good on my back. Almost as if it's relieving me from all of the stress in my life. Before I know it, I'm singing "Cherry Pie." I get carried away in the shower, i cant help it.

When I get out, i struggle to put my clothes on, but i keep quiet because i don't want them to find out. When i leave the bathroom, Sam and Dean are laughing.

"What?" I ask.

"She's my cherry Pie!" Sam mocks.

"Hey, its a good song!" I blush.

"Oh no doubt, its one of my favorites, I just wasn't expecting you to start jamming out in there. You have a beautiful voice by the way," Dean says, trying not to laugh.

They help me back to the bed and we all laugh some more.

I don't want to keep Sam and Dean from finishing the job, so I encourage them to go. Sam decides to go to the library and do some research while Dean chooses to stay and hang with me. We decide to watch a movie, but there isn't any on on demand, so he runs to the video store down the street. Sam has the car, so he walks. It's not that far away, only a block or two.

He returns about a half hour later. He has several movies in the plastic bag, along with various kinds of candy and junk food.

"Alright, so I got: Safe Haven, The Fault in Our Stars, World War Z, Sinister, Dirty Dancing, and Ghost," Dean says.

"Thats quite the variety of genres," I reply. "How 'bout Dirty Dancing first and then Sinister, and we'll see where it goes from there."

"Sounds like a plan." Dean puts the amazing Patrick Swayze movie into the player and sits down on Sam's bed. I was a little upset he didn't sit by me, but oh well.

Dean and are practically quoting the entire movie. We laugh throughout most of the scenes. I almost wish that I could stand up and dance with him. Stupid ankle. But even if my ankle was okay, it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. I've known him for two days.

By the end of the movie, I'm practically screaming inside. I want to love someone as much as they love each other. Who knows, I've got plenty of life ahead of me. Every once in a while, i'd catch Dean looking at me through the corner of my eye, but he'd quickly look away as soon as he realized i noticed. I'm really happy, and this is the first time in a long time that i've actually been happy.

I think I'd like to keep it that way.

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