Chapter 4

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I put Sinister into the player as soon as the previous movie ends. I enjoy seeing Em laugh. I know it sounds cheesy, but it brightens my day. I can tell she is nervous for this next movie... her breathing has begun to speed up. I watch as her chest moves rapidly up and down.

The movie starts and I sit down on the bed that Sam slept in the night before. It was made before i sat in it earlier. He's good like tha/t; always clean, polite... it drives me nuts sometimes. I shove a handful of M&Ms in my mouth. Em is tucked underneath the covers. She looks so cozy.

The screen begins to show an entire family being hung... Em covers her face with the blanket. The fact that its about 9 pm, and pitch black outside, doesn't help. She's so cute when she's scared. I get out of bed and move next to her. She scoots over so i have room, but i little too far. I place my body right next to hers, covering up with the blanket. She offers me some sour patch kids and I take some. She looks at me and smiles. God her smile.

We continue with the movie. Every time something scary pops up on the screen, she hides her face in my shoulder. I assure her that it's only a movie, but then I realize that this could actually happen, so I shut my mouth.

By the end of the movie, both of us are scared out of our skins. Ive seen some pretty scary shit, but this is just wrong. The ending hits you like a truck. I put The Fault in Our Stars in, realizing that we both need to cool down. Since the scary movie is over, I return to my previous location. I'm interrupted by the sound of Em's voice.

"Dean." She says quietly.

"Yea?" I reply.

"Will you stay next to me, I'm still kinda scared."

"Yea, of course," I reply, scooting under the covers next to her. I put my arm around her and our bodies touch. I can feel her bare stomach rubbing up against my hip. Her shirt must be riding up, but she doesn't do anything about it. She places her head on my chest and looks toward the screen. I want to comb my fingers through her hair so badly, but I don't.

As the movie continues, I can hear he sniffling. I admit, its kind of a sad movie, but not worth shedding a tear over. At least not for me. But she saw it differently. The perfect love story... guy meets girl, girl resists him, they fall in love, guy dies, girl cries... but she lives with the memory of her one true love. I personally think it's stupid... but oh well.

I notice that Em's breathing has slowed down. She must be sleeping. I don't move, not wanting to wake her up. I wonder where Sam is, but realize he's old enough to be out on his own now. He'll be fine. I feel myself dozing off. our breathing patterns are in sync. She's beautiful. But I could never be with her, I'd just put her in danger. I can't help it, though. I decide to figure things out tomorrow, I'm to tired to think strait.

And just like that, I fall asleep to the sound of Hazel Grace what's her name crying... goodnight Em, and get your ass back to the motel Sam.

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