What Does Anam Cara Meant for You?

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Lucas coughed when a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, forcing him to let go of his pen. The black haired demon has come to attack him again.


He turned his head to see that little demon who was now smooshing their cheeks on his neck, making him chuckle. He then pushed her off of him and pulled her into his lap, making the latter cheer. Lucas was forced to put his journal down just for her.

"Now what are you doing, trying to distract your papa from his free time?" He asked with a teasing tone. He pinched his daughter's cheeks lightly, earning a laugh from her, pushing his hands off her skin. Lucas then noticed her hair being unkept. He sighed and carried her back to her room to find the brush.

"Have you seen Theia's brush?" Lucas muttered, when he saw there was a third-party in the room, folding Attheia's clothes on the bed. "It's her hair again..." He said with a sigh as he rummaged through the desk drawer.

"I remember her putting it on the bed—there, I found it..."

Lucas lets out a sigh as he puts down his daughter on her seat, facing the mirror. "Wait there princess. Papa's going to get the brush from mama..." He went to the Attheia's mom to get the brus they needed for the little girl's messy hair that doesn't seem to calm down for at least an hour. "Thanks, love..." he whispered before he gave her a warm kiss on the forehead before going back to their daughter.

Who sat on the bed was Lucas' wife. A beautiful lady. He married her three years ago on their 2nd-year anniversary. It was five years ago when they started dating.

When Athanasia held onto her life for him.


"Are you Sir Lucas...?" The doctor asked, his voice was almost a whisper. It calmed Lucas' nerves just a bit as he was being held up by his mother. The doctor watched him as he took a breath, hands clasped together as if he was silently praying while getting himself ready of what will the doctor would say. The man looked disheveled in front of him, in a dark mess, hair were all over the place, his worried eyes were red from trying to hold the tears that hold his heart from breaking any longer. Lucas looked like he could break at any moment but he still stood and waited to hear the doctor's words.

The doctor let out a sigh, looking down and shaking his head before lifting his head back up with some courage. "We are so glad that you immediately called us the moment Ms. Obelia was in grave danger, even when you are in the state of panic, you managed to move and brought your lover to us," he paused, noticing the frown from Lucas. He could tell that the latter was being impatient as he listened to the doctor. He only showed a small smile.

"Ms. Obelia is now in a stable condition, sir. No need to  worry."

That was all it took when Lucas' knees finally gave out and pulled him down on the floor, sighing in so much relief as his body shook. All the weight was gone. All Lucas could think is to destroy that door to see the pair of blue eyes that he always love, smiling back at him to tell that everything is going to be alright.

It is.

While Lucas' mother was busy talking with the staffs and thanking them, Lucas didn't hesitate to run to where Athanasia is when he was told that Athanasia was taken to her new room, now resting. He reminded himself to open the door gently despite of how he wanted to see Athanasia and to make sure that the monitor that was showing her status was working properly and not showing that hideous line that he saw last night. No more.

He slowly trudged into the room, approaching Athanasia's bed where she was sleeping soundly. No signs of any discomfort. The sight of her sleeping well made him sigh again in relief. He couldn't wait to see her eyes flutter open again and to hear her voice—the sound that he won't stop listening to—filling his ears to his heart. Little things he always see in her, he wanted to see them again. And this time, he will never let go of them.

" Mo Anam Cara " - Lucathy Short Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now