Obedient Child

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"Athanasia" is almost at its end so I decided to upload one chapter here^^ have fun. This is a Lucas pov chapter hehehe~

song played:
happy to be sad - Ben Platt


In the middle of the rain, a boy with raven hair got out of the school bus with an umbrella in hand. He ignored all the horrible nicknames from his schoolmates on the bus as he left. He walked away without looking back.

On the way to his home, he hummed a nursery rhyme that he liked, hopping up and down on the puddles, making his boots wet. What great timing for the rain to come, rain is just the right thing to make him happy.

He suddenly heard a whine behind a trash can. A whine of a puppy. He turned and saw a box. Out of curiosity, he walked towards it and saw a black puppy inside, crying for warmth. He was not wrong.

He crouched down, with his head tilt. He held his umbrella towards the puppy cover it from the rain. "Poor puppy..." The boy muttered sadly.

His red eyes stared at the dog with pity, he let out a sniffle. He held his hands towards to puppy and gently pulled it out from its box. He ignored that his clothes are becoming wet because of the dog. His clothes are not important, the puppy's life is.

"I'll take care of you..." The boy said, patting the dog's wet head.


"Lucas! What's with that filthy dog!!" His mother yelled walking towards him from the living room as soon as she heard her son home. "Look at you!!"

Lucas flinched and hugged the dog close. M-Ma's angry... He thought, nervous. He hates it when her mom's angry at him, he already knows what will happen if he takes the puppy with him but his conscience for the puppy made him ignore the consequences from his mom.

"But ma, this puppy was alone in the rain..." Lucas explained. "It needs shelter..."

"The dog must have kicked out from its home, then it's a dangerous dog," His mother said, crouching down to his level and gently pulling his hand away, letting the puppy fall on the floor with a whimper, Lucas lets out a gasp. "Lucas, be an obedient child and follow what I said, it's for your safety."

Obedient... Lucas thought as he held his head low. He stared down at the dog on the floor, trying to snuggle on his feet as it searched for warmth.

"Ah, look at your face!!" His mom suddenly panicked, holding his dirt-covered face. "It's because of that filthy dog!! Go clean yourself up, I'll take the dog out."

He closed his eyes, trembling. "O-Okay..." He muttered, trying not to cry from the guilt he's feeling.

I'm ma's obedient son after all.


"Lucas? Lucas!!"

Lucas flinched, hearing his name from the front. He realized that he's sitting in a class. He looked up to see everyone staring at him with their teacher, his notebook falling on the floor broke the awkward silence in the room.

Lucas immediately apologized silently as he hastily took his notebook from the floor, he cleared his throat, clumsily arranging his disheveled self, putting down his notebook. He heard some snickers from his classmates but he didn't bother and focused on the teacher in front.

"Sir?" Lucas muttered.

"Daydreaming in class again..." His teacher sighed, shaking his head. "Answer my question, if you answer it right then I'll let you off for today."

"Yes sir..." Lucas nodded, taking his notebook. "What page are we again, sir?" He asked as he bit his bottom lip, another snicker from his classmates again making him curse under his breath.

" Mo Anam Cara " - Lucathy Short Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now