Mom Cooked Food . . . That's Why I'm Here

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"Okay, lunchtime!" Athanasia sang, dancing happily as she take her bag, ignoring Jennette's knowing stare from across the table.

"He asked you out?" Jeanette guessed, her voice hinted with a tease, her arms crossed to lean close to her friend to get her attention. She can't help but smirk at Athanasia's reaction.

"W-What about it?" Athanasia stuttered. She tried to avoid Jennette's eyes, her hands fumbling on the straps of her bag in embarrassment. Though why would she trouble herself acting innocent when her friend already knows?

Jennette stood up and walked close to Athanasia, sitting on her desk. "Is it a date?" She continued to tease, her hands found their way to tickle Athanasia's sides, which she immediately smack away with her bag.

"It's none of your business!" Athanasia exclaimed, her face was beet red. "Anyway, it's just lunch! I'm going back here later!!"

She left the room, though she could still hear Jennette's voice from behind that made her sigh in annoyance. Jeez, it's only just lunch, what's the big deal? It's been a while since they've hung out, why would Jennette suddenly call it a date?

Her cheeks flushed pink at the thought of her having a date with him. She immediately shook off the thought, forcing her away from her fantasy. "You're not a high school girl, Athanasia, get yourself together," she told herself.

While trying to distract herself, she finally arrived at a small restaurant where she saw her friend sitting by the window, sipping coffee while reading today's newspaper. She finds it amusing to see that he is reading one, she thinks the newspaper is too old now.

She walked in and made her way to the table, sitting across from him. "Sorry, I'm late, Kiel!" She said, bowing slightly. "I was helping a student before getting here, hope you didn't wait that long."

"It's fine, I just got here," Ijekiel said, looking up from the newspaper. He set it aside on the table and stared at Athanasia with a welcoming smile. "You really are working hard these days, huh?"

"Yeah..." Athanasia sighed, almost slouching herself on her seat. "It's very tiring but I still managed... somehow..."

Ijekiel chuckled. "That's so you."

"Anyway, let's order ourselves, shall we?"


As they waited for their orders, Athanasia leaned on the palm of her hand, staring at the window with a bright smile on her face. After weeks of trying to hang out with Ijekiel, she finally got the chance to be with him. Though it's only just an hour since Athanasia still has her classes to teach, she's still happy and content with this.

"You look very happy," Ijekiel pointed out with a chuckle, leaning close with his arms crossed to support him. "Did something good happen to you?"

Athanasia flinched, and a small blush crept onto her face as her eyes widened. "Ah, I'm always like this!! Hahaha, you know me, food, hahaha!!" She stammered, almost biting her tongue as she tried to explain to the silver-head.

Ijekiel laughed louder, amused to see watch Athanasia in her panic state. In a good way, of course. He tilted his head teasingly, his smile never fade. "It's been a while, huh?" He muttered, pulling Athanasia out of her embarrassment.

"Huh?" She paused, blinking.

"We try to meet each other but it always gets canceled, I'm glad we could have lunch like this, even if it's just for an hour," Ijekiel said, leaning his head on the palm of his hand, watching Athanasia get flustered by his words. "How's work, by the way?" He decided to change the topic to calm her down.

" Mo Anam Cara " - Lucathy Short Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now