Nine Years Later

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What's a soulmate?

A question suddenly came up in Lucas's mind as he stares at the busy streets of Seoul, waiting for the coffee that he ordered earlier.

Lucas frowned at the thought. Why did he suddenly think about soulmates?

It's just nothing but a Disney fantasy.

But why is he thinking such things, him, a man that doesn't even believe in love?

What's bugging him?

He felt the device that he was holding buzz, telling him that his coffee is now ready. He shook his head, forcing the crazy thought out of his mind as he stood up and walked towards the counter where his delicious coffee is waiting.

The cashier thanked him as they gave him his coffee and politely bowed. Lucas slightly bowed and walked out of the busy cafe.

He walked down the sidewalk with a lot of busy people. He winced at the loud noise the city gave to his poor ears. 

He bumps through a lot of couples, flirting and blushing around making Lucas stare at them in disgust. Have they no shame?!

Well, Christmas is around the corner of course there are a lot of couples going on a date in Seoul. This is one of the reasons why Lucas hates Christmas. It was the couples.

It's not that Lucas is jealous or he feels lonely whenever he sees couples flirting everywhere. Lucas is never the type to feel like that.

It's just he hates them to the point that he can't even explain why.

He took a sip of his warm coffee, the taste made him feel alive after 3 days of working nonstop. He let out a sigh, his lips curve up into a smile.

Being alone with his coffee is really the best.

"Ah, Jennette! How long do I have to follow you!! You've bought enough gifts for Kiel!!" Lucas heard a whine behind him.

"Jeez, Kiel only has one gift, and the others are for you and our friends!" Another girl yelled.

Lucas just let them be as much as he wanted to glare at them because of their yelling. The moment of him and his coffee is more important than glaring at unimportant strangers.

The girls kept yelling behind him until they decided to walk ahead of Lucas realizing that he was walking slowly. 

He took another sip and choked himself as one of the girls bumped him by the shoulder. He stopped in his tracks and glared at the girl who bumped into him.

"Oh, sorry! I'm so sorry!" The girl who bumped onto him exclaimed, patting his back.

Lucas glared at the girl. What did he do to deserve this?

As dramatic as it seems, Lucas was yelling inside, cursing the girl for breaking the peaceful moment with his coffee.

"Here's money to buy another coffee!" She yelled, shoving the money on his chest before running after her friend who's oblivious about her bumping into someone.

Lucas blinked, staring at the money in his hands. He looked up to ask the girl but the girl disappeared, leaving him standing, confused.

"What?" He frowned.

He let out a sigh, shoving the money in his pockets, and continue making his way to his apartment with his half-empty coffee.

At least the girl apologized. Just hope that he won't meet her again then he'll let her off.

Well, what's the chance of them to meet again when there's a lot of people here in Seoul.

Lucas continued his walk and felt his phone buzzing. He checked to see a familiar number on his phone. He smiled and answered it immediately. "Hello?"

" Mo Anam Cara " - Lucathy Short Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now