Mo Anam Cara

158 11 4

There was no heavier than this silence Ijekiel is having with Lucas right now.

He had never thought that he would agree to meet with him after everything. He could still the punch he received from Lucas when he was beating him up with no mercy. It had become one of Ijekiel's traumatic experience and surprisingly reasonably good for him. Because of that, he was woken up to all what was happening to him.

How all of this ended up his fault.

Still, he thinks that Lucas deserve an apology and a talk from him.

"I heard that you broke up with Athanasia..." Lucas broke the silence. Even though he wasn't the one driving, his eyes remained on the road. If he does look at Ijekiel's face, he would only see Athanasia in a coma and might ended up punching Ijekiel again. "... I thought that you are going to stay with her and learned your lesson..."

"I did learn my lesson..." Ijekiel said with a chuckle then gave Lucas a quick glance, the latter was stubborn not to meet Ijekiel in the eyes. "... That is why I agreed to end things with her..."

Lucas remained silent, leaning onto his fist as his arm was placed on the window. He then lets out a sigh, tilting his head. "What if Athanasia still have feelings for you and you just end it like that...?" He muttered. It was his thoughts that was flowing out of his mouth, not him. Which made him want to punch himself for saying such things like that and did not keep it to himself. For the first time, Lucas felt like an idiot.

"Athanasia was the one who broke our relationship off before I could say anything," Ijekiel replied. His voice seemed a bit sad though his expression remained the same. He then parked the car on the nearby sidewalk and turned to Lucas, his eyes were dead serious. "All these years of being by her side... I thought I had the same feeling as hers... but seeing her suffering because of my inattentiveness made me think that I was just using her for my gain just because I knew someone loves me..."

Lucas was ready to attack Ijekiel again when he heard the latter first, but Ijekiel came in clutch to same himself by immediately cutting Lucas off to continue. 

"... Not only it broke her... but it also broke me..."


"Athanasia is a precious person that I have in my life along with Jennette and my family... That is why how I now see myself as a heartless bastard just you see in me when I found out what I had done to her..." Ijekiel added, showing a sad smile. No matter how he wanted to make this conversation light, he couldn't. Just whenever he stares at Lucas, he could see what he had done to Athanasia. 

He shook his head to clear this thoughts and turned his head away from Lucas, sighing. "Just what I have thought when I was in abroad..." He muttered.

Lucas showed a confused look. "I get what you were saying earlier but what now?"

Ijekiel rolled his eyes in a teasing way. "When you're smart at anything related outside of you but then you're dense when it comes to yourself..." He commented, louder for Lucas to hear. He was given a glare by the latter but he ignored it and continued to drive.

"Where are you taking me again?"

"I forgot."



"Hey Lucas..."

It was night when Lucas came to visit Athanasia. He was lying down next to her on the hospital bed. It just happened one way or another when the younger insisted for him to lie down with her as she falls asleep. Lucas knew that this was a bad thing, knowing that his heart would be having the Olympics inside his ribcage right now. Lucas had never been so close like this to her ever. It seemed like a good opportunity but at the same time, hellish for him.

" Mo Anam Cara " - Lucathy Short Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now