Chapter 19: Lady Hera

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Charles was never fond of celebrating his birthday. This year, it is different. He has a lot of reasons to celebrate, particularly the birth of his daughter, Hera.

Anita has planned a simple party for him at their estate. Family and close friends flew in from Monaco to celebrate the birth of Hera and his birthday. They would have shared the same birthday if the little princess did not arrive three weeks early.

"Tanti auguri, my love" Anita wakes him up from his sleep with kisses. He opens his eyes to see her angelic face smiling at him. He stared at her. He touched her face before grabbing her to a tight embrace. Her head resting on his arm as he inhales her scent. Her hair smelled of her favourite Miss dior shampoo.

", grazie! This feels so good." He wrapped his arms around Anita and gives her a kiss on her forehead.  "Hmmm... I want to stay like this forever, babe" he continued.

She began to circle her finger on his bare chest as she breathed with the same pace as him. "I know. But the baby will wake up for a nappy change and to feed in a few minutes"

"Of course and I would not want it any other way"

Ever since the birth of their daughter, their routine consists of sleepless nights, changing nappies and feeding and yet they are at their happiest. They decided to not get a nanny so that they can be more hands on parents. Although he feels a bit guilty that Anita will carry much of the burden because he will be away racing.

"I'm sorry I don't have a present for you yet." Anita touched his stubble before moving on top of him to lie on his chest to gave him another kiss. Always playful, she stuck out her tongue to lick his stubble.

"Are you joking? You and our little Hera are the best presents" he said before kissing her back, making sure he is gentle with her because her wounds are still fresh from the c-section.

"The baby is indeed the best present. " as they were having the conversation, they heard Hera cry from the baby monitor.  "i'll go get her" Anita said.

"No. Stay in bed, babe. I'll change her and bring her here" he stands up to go to the nursery, which was an ante-room to their bedroom. It has been three weeks since Anita gave birth and they have yet to discuss their living arrangement now that the baby is here.  They had a nursery contructed in their new flat in Monaco but it was still largely unorganized. Their plan was to have it fixed over the winter break. He wants to have a home in Monaco but he knows Anita wants to stay in the UK especially during the time he is racing.

Hera is still very small and fragile as she was born three weeks early but she is a strong baby. After a quick diaper change, he carried her to their room to bring her to Anita.

"Someone is very hungry" he said while gently handing Hera to Anita, who is now half naked on the bed, with her breasts exposed and ready to feed their daughter.

"Hey beautiful. Did you get a nice sleep? It's Papa's birthday today, so we have to head downstairs to help with the preparations, in a bit, okay?" Anita whispered as Hera continued to coo before latching on her left breast.

Charles went back to lie beside Anita and Hera, cherishing the moment with the loves of his life.

"Are we going for a walk after she feeds? It is a bit cold today."

He said while checking his phone for the weather.

"Yeah, she's fine with the cold. We'll bundle up, right sweetheart?" Anita replied as she looked at Hera who seemed to enjoy her milk.

They bundled up to prepare for a quick walk outside, hopefully with some sunshine for the Lady Hera.

They bundled up to prepare for a quick walk outside, hopefully with some sunshine for the Lady Hera

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