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||•LATER ON•||

Hyunsuk's stepmother is on her way back to her house as she keeps kissing the money that Jihoon gave her. She smiled widen as her eyes disappear. She reached her home and about to take her key out but then suddenly got pulled into a truck as they drug her.

"get up!!!" a tight slap on her cheeks as she finally opened her eyes. She looks around herself before looking for her purse then the door began to opened and revealed a pair of long legs coming inside.

"w-who are you???" She hugged her purse as she keeps moving back which made her back press the wall. The man smiled at her as she frown.

"do you want money?" hearing about this,she frown again but her smiled flashed as she heard about the money. Of course,how come she doesn't want it?

"why do you ask me that?" she asked. the man clapping his hand before his bodyguard came into the room with two luggage which full of money before opened it and throw them in front of her eyes as she widen them, surprised to see alots of money.

"it all will be yours if you tell me about PARK JIHOON!!!" she keeps looking at the man as she has many questions in her mind. why this man want to know about Jihoon? But as a greedy person,why would she care? it's not her business or something.She nodded her head then the man smiled.

"by the way,my name is Sam nice to work with you"


"holy shit!!!!" Jaehyuk cursed under his breath as Asahi and Jihoon tries to clam him down because the man seems like he really mad right now. Hyunsuk came outside the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand and offer Jaehyuk to drink it to clam himself.

"don't let me know who are they or i won't hiatus to kill them!!" he said in one breath before drink the water. Yedam came with medicine box and give it to Asahi for cleaning Jaehyuk's wound.

our general Yoon Jaehyuk was got into a fight with some of men. even he won but he still mad at them for testing his anger temper without having done anything wrong to them. Asahi sit down in front of him before pulled Jaehyuk's face to look straight at him.

"ouch!!Asahi! it's hurt!" Jaehyuk whine but then Asahi just smack his head which made Jaehyuk rubbed where he got hit so fast as he is pouting.

"when you were fighting, why don't you shout too? people who got shoot didn't even shout for a word and you just got some cut shouting like i'm going to kill you"

"how can they shout when they already dead?" Jaehyuk hurry shut up as Asahi gave him a death glared into his soul. Yedam and Hyunsuk just giggled at them while Jihoon frown, wondering who were they.

"Jaehyuk!!who that can be?as i know you never have any enemy before"

"you're right Jihoon! that's why i'm wondering " Jaehyuk respond once Asahi done with his lips and now with his arms.

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