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everyone is looking at Mrs.Choi who got tie on the floor as she keeps begging them not to kill her because Jihoon literally have his gun in his hand and Hyunsuk excuses himself not to see the scenes because he can't stand the loud bang or Mrs.Choi begging.

"p-please don't kill me!!i just follow what someone said too" she keeps on begging. Junkyu came close to her before bet down in front of her.

"we're not gonna kill you instead,we will just slowly pill your skin one by one start from your head then you leg and then throw your skin aways as dog food,throw your skeleton into the river"

Junkyu said then chuckles at himself because of Mrs.Choi's expression while the others just giggles. She turn to Jihoon who is sitting on the sofa,in front of her.

"please don't hurt me!i just follow what Sam told me" Jihoon raised his left eyebrow as he look at Mrs.Choi. She doesn't have to tell because he knows that bitch is playing a stupid game.

Jihoon playfully waving the gun in his hand while smiling so sweet yet dangerous and cold at her.

"keep your words to tell Satan about your mistake because i already know what happens " Jihoon said then point the gun right on her face. Mrs.Choi screws to his legs before hugged them.

"please Jihoon!!at least think that i'm your mother in law too!!!" Jihoon frown then laugh at her words. He bet down then grabbed her chin.

"really mother in law?when did you see my Sukkie as your son? as i know,you just think about yourself and even begin a gold digger for a whole time?"

Mrs.Choi knowing that Jihoon is not gonna forgive her easily. she looks upstairs before shouting Hyunsuk's name.

"Hyunsuk!!!my son!!! please help mother!!!I know what I did was wrong but please forgive me!!!"

Hyunsuk who is in his room, hearing everytime. He just covering his ears as his tears rolling down. this tears didn't come out because he feels bad or worry about her but it's the tears showing that he had had enough. all her actions towards were already many nightmare. Hyunsuk never get comfortable sleep even a single day when he was with her. All he has was pain only.

"stop shouting for his name!!! Hyunsuk is not gonna save you this time!you have done enough to him!" Yoshi can't stay still at her as he is really annoying at Mrs.Choi who keeps shouting Hyunsuk's name.

" ENOUGH!!!!" Hyunsuk shouted from his room as he opened the door and run downstairs before get the gun from Jihoon's hand and point at Mrs.Choi. everyone is surprised by Hyunsuk sudden action including Jihoon but on one say anything because they're all know that he is hurting enough.

"how can you opened your mouth and asking me for help? didn't you remember how many stupid thing you have done to me?"


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