✧ build a supernatural species question prompts

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Requested by princessakhushi

1. what species is your character?

2. how did they become that species? (born, turned etc.)

3. how did they learn about what they were?

4. what was their reaction?

5. how do they feel about it?

6. what are some of their abilities/powers?

7. how powerful are they?

8. how much potential do they have?

9. have they reached their full potential?

10. if they haven't reached their full potential, why not? is something holding them back?

11. what do they struggle with?

12. what do they dislike about what they are?

13. what do they like about what they are?

14. what are the weaknesses for their species?

15. do they have someone who taught them? if so, who?

16. how did they learn to control their powers?

17. can they control it?

18. what was the reaction of their friends/family?

19. if a new supernatural being, why do you want to add it to the fanfic?

20. does your species work alone or with a group? (covens, packs etc)

21. if so, how does your character fit in?

22. what mortal/human features remain, if any?

23. can they be more than one thing at once? (heretic, hybrid, etc)

24. how is this species viewed by others in the show? how do they get along with witches, vampire, werewolves, and humans?

25. if turned or powers came in later, how was the adjustment?

26. how common or rare is your species?

27. if common, will older vampires or experienced witches know about it?

28. if born as this species, how does it pass through generations?

29. if turned, describe the transition process.

30. are they immortal?

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