✧ my dislikes part two

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my dislikes part two:

1. i can't remember the word for type of story, but when the oc is born again every few years. like they die, and then are reborn, for a thousand years (usually it's a love interest of a mikaelson).

i do not like these stories. i will not read one that has this theme. they're just not for me.

but i notice that they all have a few issues that i don't like:

it's never really explained why this happens to the oc or the explanation isn't convincing.

it's never really explained why the oc doesn't just turn into a vampire or why they have to stay human.

no one ever seems to be looking for a solution? they all just seem to accept it. which is odd because we know how selfish a lot of the characters are and there's no way they would just accept that their soulmate is taken from them every few years. especially if you're dealing with a mikaelson.

the oc also seems to have no issue with it. they never even think about it. they don't seem to be upset ever that they have to leave. i understand coming to terms with it after a while, but it's never shown to be an issue for them at all. it must be frustrating.

i don't really get ones where they keep their memory. so like while they're growing up they just know everything about their past life?

2. fanfics where the oc and love interest are exactly the same.

i notice this the most in kol, klaus, and kai fanfics.

but the oc will be exactly the same as the love interest. and there will be no character growth or development.

for example, the oc will also be a villain (totally fine) and then be with another villain and for the entire book they'll just torment different people. the other characters don't like them and they just completely destroy any likeable qualities of the characters. it's basically multiple chapters of the same thing. no character growth. no relationship growth. no friendships outside of each other. and they expect everyone to put up with them and get all shocked when they don't.

3. stories that bash elena but then make their oc an exact replica of elena.

they will literally turn elena into an evil bully and then write their oc exactly like elena. they'll also complain about how elena makes everything about herself and then proceed to make everything about elena.

4. really any fanfics that i can tell what the author's opinions are on the characters.

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