✧ tips on writing kol mikaelson

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kol might be an odd choice to start with, but i wrote a kol mikaelson fanfic so that's where i'm starting haha. i will be doing this in a random order so just comment if you have a request!

i have one thing that must be said about him (and this probably applies to some other characters too)

kol mikaelson is the hardest easiest character to write.

why is he hard to write?

well, there isn't much on him. he overall did not get the depth that other mikaelsons got. even in season 2 when he was a witch (i notice that everyone says that this is where he got the most character development and it's probably true) we didn't get that much of him. to me, the season focused more on fleshing out esther and finn than kol which was disappointing because it was the only season where all the siblings and esther and mikael were alive so i was hoping to get a lot of backstory on the mikaelsons individually and their relationships with one another.

so since there's not much on him, it's kind of hard to write him accurately because, what is accurate? not to mention the character in the vampire diaries and the originals are pretty different. however, you can use that to your advantage and i will speak on that in a little bit.

what's his relationship like with elijah? klaus? mikael? we don't really know. we get some moments, but not a lot (i don't even think there are any scenes where kol and mikael speak to each other).

that can make him incredibly hard to write.

especially when you take in the little bit of backstory he has.

it's said in the show that he was violent and acted out to get attention from his siblings.

the show also says that he acted out because he lost his magic (i think. . .)

the show also says that his siblings distanced himself because he acted out.

so which came first? i don't really know. if they mention it, it's some small detail that is hard to find because i've never spoken to anyone who knows.

so what makes him easy to write?

pick one and run with it. it doesn't matter. either will make sense because all three seem to be accepted.

once you pick one, it makes everything so much easier let me tell you. why? well i don't think kol is like his siblings. he wasn't as closed off from love as the others and he didn't push people away either like they did. if i remember, it was him who wanted to be with davina first. with klaus and elijah i think love stories are a little bit more complicated because they were so closed off and complicated whereas kol seemed pretty simple. we don't see kolvina having the same issues that hayley and elijah had or klaus and cami. maybe it's because we didn't see as much of kolvina but who cares? that's what's in the show.

in season 5, we see that kol just waits at home for davina while she's at work (which i will elaborate on in a moment because i do have something to say about that) can you see klaus doing that? elijah? not likely. given their lives they probably just don't have time to either considering all the stuff they have to deal with.

stuff kol doesn't have to deal with. in season 3 he told klaus that he shouldn't have left so many of his enemies alive. they were klaus' enemies. not his. i don't think kol has as many as klaus and i think that makes his life easier.

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