✧ transitioning into a vampire

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so transitioning is a pretty big deal.

you want to think of a whole bunch of different things.

let's start with their reaction.

so first you're going to want to think of the circumstances behind them turning.

did they willingly turn?

were they forced to turn?

was it an accident?

because your oc is going to have an incredibly different reaction depending on how they were turned.

for example, someone who willingly turned is obviously going to be a whole lot more accepting of what's happening to them than someone who didn't turn willingly.

you also want to consider what do they know? for example, when elena turned at the very least she understood what was happening and knew what changes were going to happen. caroline didn't know about any of it so she was obviously more confused.

first here's a general guide on heightened emotions

let's remember that their emotions are heightened. they might not have a problem with that, that doesn't mean it might not "change" them or not be a problem for other people.

remember that turning only enhances who a person is, on its own it won't change them.

i'm guessing time and the lifestyle good though but we're talking about short term reactions here.

but remember it might make them seem like a new person. because it might enhance things that were already there just a small part of their personality.

for example, someone might be an overall shy person, but maybe there's a small part of them that's loud and bold. that part could take over when they turn. not to mention they're now a vampire with increased strength and power which might give them confidence.

klaus was said to be kind of aggressive growing up and when he turned that was amplified (i'm like 99% certain. what he was like when he was human is in my klaus mikaelson as a love interest chapter if you want to double check).

this could pose a problem for people around them. if someone becomes really aggressive or really arrogant the people who knew them might not want to be around them.

it could also be the opposite. maybe now people really like who they are.

for example, caroline and elena seemed a lot closer once caroline turned. a lot of her insecurities and always wanting to compete with elena didn't completely go away, but she was less jealous and more confident in herself.

the opposite happened with stefan and elena.

i'm gonna say something a little controversial here and please don't hate me.

but i completely understood why elena felt like a broken toy around stefan. he was so focused on helping her try to become human again that he didn't really try to help her adapt to being a vampire. we were showed him helping her twice. once when he took her into the woods to feed (and i'm sorry but given what we knew about elena and even if the side bond didn't exist, i don't think elena could've handled feeing from humans. i think she needed to feed from blood bags because i don't think she could handle seeing anything living be hurt because of her at that point in the show).

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