Chapter 12

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A/n: Yup see like I know Friday aint no weekend and all that but I was feeling generous and decided to update ^_^ tehehehehe I'm Nice Aren't I... So Like i'm starting where I left off


Jameria POV

       Jacob And I Pulled Away as we noticed Raquan Standing there In the hallway Looking from Jacob to Me. Then Back at Jacob again. Next thing I knew Jacob And Raquan where fighting. Raquan Kept throwing Fireballs and Electric Balls at Jacob , While Jacob Kept Dodging them he got grazed with one and wasn't Self Healing fast enough. I Didn't know what to do And I couldn't freeze time , that was Chanel's Power. I Yelled as loud as I could. "CHANEL!! HELP!!". And then I saw her running full speed down the hall in 1.5 seconds. "what's Up?", She asked before noticing Jacob and Raquan Fighting.

  She lifted her hands and froze them and Moved them away from each other with her mind. I Saw Jacob a little bruised badly and Raquan A little bit un touched. I Sighed loudly and sat on the bed as I felt Chanel Sit next to me. "Are you okay?". She Asked and I nodded and she replied , "I'll be in the living room , Holler if you need me". She said trying to lighten the mood before the teleported to the living.

  I Then noticed she unfroze there heads and they were just handing there heads low but Raquan had a devilish smirk on his face. "Look! If you both are going to act like total asses then I don't want to be near the both of you. Damn , Raquan just get over the fact that your ass messed up and stay away from me! You may be powerful but i'll get my sister on you! She more powerful than your ass anyway". I Yelled And Raquan stayed quiet as I mind called Chanel

--Outgoing Mind Call : Chanel --

"Yes?". She said

"Unfreeze Raquan so he can leave and 15 minutes afterwards unfreeze Jacob". I Replied

"Alright , And did I tell you how I almost had to whip Raquan ass in the hallway?". She asked

"No you didn't what that son of a bitch do?". I Asked

"Well I got on his ass about him cheating and how you dumped him for it and then he said that he owned you and I got pissed and almost murked his ass  , until chrissy came and running to my legs". She finished

"Oh , Well I got on his ass". I Replied

"Alright Girl  Bye, Remember Holler if you need me!". She replied

"Yeah , Bye". I Said back

--Hanging Up On Mind Call : Chanel--

   I Came back to reality and Raquan was unfrozen and he was walking out the door until he turned back and threw a Medium sized fireball at Jacob. "I Get what I want and what I want is Jameria, She is mine and will always be". He said as I Saw Jacob unfrozen and fallen to the ground . I Quickly ran over to him. Oh My God Please he can't die, I Let tears Escape my Eyes as I tried to heal him while he was healing slowly , I Yelled for Chanel and she came down the hall seeing me holding a half bloody Jacob. "I'm taking him to the Magic Hospital". I Barley said and I teleported Jacob and I To the Magic Hospital.

[Murked : Slang word For Murder / Kill]

  ?????? POV 

   Hm , I Thought to myself , Well He thinks he can get another chick and forget about this one. Honey Boo Boo Child he better think again. I'm Back and I'm ready to kill this bitch . Shit! I'm Having a Abortion Right Now. Yes I said Fucking Abortion,  I May have told him I was pregnant but you know how that goes. I need him back and what mama wants mama gets. I Shall Steal him or Seduce him from that tramp .. Hm What's her Name .... ? Chenille ...? Cannel ... Oh Yeah its Chanel. She thinks she can steal my man , Well Bitch better take a rain check .

   I'm Magical And Basically hidden , I've been watching her and his every move. Aye Call Me A Stalker but my mission is to Kill this chick. Well Lemme tell you This , Chresanto and I have a ruff and sexual past. I mean He knew how to work you in bed. Oh Lord Jesus! , But I Being me always assumed he was cheating and he moved away from me into a protection chamber in the magical world. But I aint even gone sweat it because I found out where the "August Protection Chamber" Is and i'm stalking his ass and his girl ass. I Want revenge and I want him back to me. Because if I can't have him nobody will.

  Oh I Didn't properly introduce myself. Well People Know me as Aniyah But that's just my fake name . It hides my identity. My Real names Charlotte Jewels Covington , I'm 16 And Magical , But Shh Keep that information away from people.

Lets just get straight to the check list.

Misson #1:

[x] Send Threating Message to Chanel From Unknown Number


MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! I Will Have Chresanto August, Whether he likes it or not. I Will get past his Little Weak Ass Girlfriend.


Chanel POV

   I stormed down the halls trying to sense if I could find Raquan. Then I Run into my Brother and Jacob's Sister. "Where's Raquan?". I asked trying to sound normal , "I Don't know he like just orbed some where". Craig said while shrugging and walking off with Jacob's sister.

[Orbed: Another Supernatural Word For Teleport]

   I Tried my hardest to sense him but I couldn't, and that only means one thing. Your Ether in the Underworld Or Your Just out of reach.

  But think about it, His ass have been acting a little shaky lately. Or Maybe i'm just over reacting.

  I Shake it off and walk back to the living room looking for Chresanto, Then I find him in the kitchen refrigerator, So I hop on his back and I startled him because his ass shocked me.

"Really?!?!". I Yell while fastly self healing , "I'm Sorry Babe, Just don't come up to nobody like that". He said coming and wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close until we where body to body. He pecked my lips but I poked out my bottom lip because I wanted more. , then he tilted my chin up a little and slowly kissed my lips and pulled away while gently biting my bottom lip.

 "Better?", He asked smirked and I nodded . Then my iphone started to ring. "Hold on Lemme take this". He nodded and went back to Looking through the refrigerator. "Fat Ass!". I Said while smacking his ass and he said back , "I'm Your Fat Ass Though". I Laughed and answered my phone.

--Phone Conversation Between Chanel and Charlotte(Unknown)--

"Hello?". Chanel Said

"I Told you to stay away from my man". Charlotte said

"Um May I Ask who is this?". Chanel said with a attitude

"Bitch , Don't catch no attitude with me , But I'll tell you that I'm watching your every move, Your going to die , sooner or later and I'll make sure of it". Charlotte said before hanging up

--Ending Phone Conversation Between Chanel and Charlotte(unknown)--

  What the fuck is this shit? . Man , I Aint even gone sweat it . The hoe wana run it then we can run this bitch. Damn! I'm Already Stressed out.


A/N: Mhm , Santo got him a little stalker ! Oh Shieettt



~Fan Me

And Sometimes Extra Chapter if comments are really motivational hehehe

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