009: Drafted

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Grandma Dodger sat just outside the living room where Gladys, Vernon, Colonel and Elvis were. Leslie said she wanted to be alone, so she was up in her room.

Elvis strummed on his guitar as he looked down at the ground. The only thought running through his head was, if Leslie was okay. He knew how he felt, but he had no idea how she felt and that's what worried him the most.

Gladys looked down at the two letters in her hand, in big red letters at the top, DRAFTED, was stamped on it. Elvis and Leslie were drafted into the army in Germany, while Elvis would be doing whatever else all the male draftees did, Leslie would be with all the women, sewing, cooking and nursing wounded soldiers.

"No," Gladys denied, "There's no way my babies are going to Germany for two years."

"It's either the army or jail," Colonel stated, explaining the situation and how this is what was best, "There is something else."

Elvis placed his guitar down on the couch and stood up as Colonel continued, "Vernon, they are poking into your background."

"We don't have nothin' to be ashamed of!" Elvis defended his father, "Now, my daddy is a good man." He walked over and placed a hand on his father's shoulder.

"Yes, yes. But your Papa did go to jail," Colonel pointed out how it could be used against Elvis and Leslie, "You know them, and their flashy headlines. 'Elvis and Leslie, The Draft Dodgers'. 'A Family of Delinquents'."


Elvis and Leslie were in barber chairs getting their hair cut for the army, cameras flashing in the background.


"We may never book another date, or sell another record again."

Elvis held his mother close, kissing the top of her head.

"And my way of thinking, the army could be a brand new start for all of us," Colonel went onto explain.


Leslie gripped onto Elvis's hand as they were getting their hair cut. Elvis's would be army length for the men, shorter than he's ever liked it and Leslie's would be shoulder length so she could put it up in the required bun.

"Let them cut your hair. Prove to the world that you two are a clean-cut, all-American boy and girl. You do your two years, and when you come back, I promise you, I will have done everything I can to make you two the biggest actor and actress in Hollywood."

Elvis caught a bit of his hair that had fallen from his head with his free hand, solemnly.


Elvis looked up at Colonel as the man continued speaking, "You will choose your own pictures."

Elvis looked down at Gladys as she tried to muffle her sobs, "It's gonna be okay, Mama."

They all turned their head when they heard a muffled yell, sobbing and something crash against a wall. Elvis hopped up, "All go check on her."

He rushed off upstairs and to Leslie's bedroom which was right next to his and they shared a bathroom in between the two rooms. He saw the door was cracked open and peaked inside, making sure the door didn't squeak. He saw her on the floor, curled in on herself as her body racked with sobs. A broken lap laying at the bottom of the wall across from her.

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