Chapter 19: The ultimatum

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Time skip 3 hours, Non specific location

Now news stations across the Sakura Empire were playing a short clip that had just been aired.

Southern Yamato could be seen on a black stage alone. She looked serious as she now spoke in Japanese "I have already addressed the government and the emperor of the Sakura. Currently the Solidarity League has several ship girls from the Sakura Empire, as well as North Union, and Dragon Empery ship girls. The Sakura Empire has a weapon we want. So I have come forth to offer a trade" now a short clip of footage from the prison camp on Kau Yi chau "for the entirety of the ship girls that we have imprisoned, we will trade them for the weapon and the blueprints of the weapon that the Sakura Empire has. If the Sakura Empire accepts then the ship girls and the weapon shall be brought unhurt to a secretly agreed location" now her she frowned and said "but if the Sakura Empire disregards my offer, then the ship girls shall be converted to Trench Abyssals, and the next country the Solidarity League shall come after shall be the Sakura Empire" Now she stared blankly as the clip changed back to her. She sighed before continuing. "And I shall make sure that at least one of the converted ship girls is involved in the invasion of the Sakura Empire. I hope the Sakura Empire makes the right choice. See if I am bluffing at your own detriment and their detriment. You have three days to respond, if you do not respond in that time, I shall take it that you disregard my offer"


Time skip 1 hour, location Hong Kong

"Ooh~ it's been a long time since we've been here" Eastern said.

"So it has" Battleship Princess said, as she stepped onto Southern Yamato's deck.

"Now where is she?" Eastern asked "she should notice us standing on her deck" she said. She looked round the area curiously and said "mm, mm, seems she's picked the place up. Eh?!"

Suddenly turret one swung around surprisingly fast, and if it wasn't for Eastern being a Techno Abyssal, she would've been hit. She ducked down as the guns of the turret came at her. But then she saw the anti aircraft armament aiming at her, and opened fire on the two of them. The two summoned portals around themselves that redirected the rounds into the sky.

"We just want to talk, Southern" Eastern said over the radio.

The anti aircraft armament stopped firing and the two des-ummoned the portals. But Battleship Princess could see something coming at Eastern "Eastern, behind you!"

"Uh?" Eastern was about to turn around when she was thrown to the ground. She rolled over and flinched as Southern Yamato's katana embedded itself in the deck mere millimeters from her throat.

But then Eastern felt as Southern Yamato grabbed her neck with her right hand. She felt as Southern Yamato started crushing her throat. "And why would I want to talk with you?" Southern Yamato growled.

"We heard your message to the other Abyssal nations" Battleship Princess said as she cautiously walked closer.

"Well you're not welcomed" Southern Yamato said.

"Would you kill someone who just came to talk?" Battleship Princess asked.

"Normally no, but you two are different"

Now Eastern started laughing hysterically as she gripped Southern Yamato's arm. But Southern Yamato just growled as she withdrew her katana from her deck. She released Eastern's neck but stepped on her chest so she couldn't get up.

"Wait Yammy!" Southern Yamato turned her head away from the two and now saw Yahagi "don't do this"

"What?" Southern Yamato said in disbelief "Don't interfere in this, Yahagi. They're just trying to trick us"

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