Chapter 13: The test of strength

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Time skip 3 hours, location Hong Kong

Now Southern Yamato's ship could be seen in the harbor. Portals were all around it, as it seemed to give naval gun support to troops on the land. Churchill's ship was nearby and seemed to be firing missiles for ground support as well.

Southern Yamato could be seen at the very top of her superstructure. She was receiving constant calls for artillery support and was trying to keep up with it. She sighed as she kept summoning portals to different places, but she knew she'd need to pause soon otherwise she'd get too fatigued.

But then she heard a voice behind her "Tired?" She looked back and saw Ranna.

Southern Yamato sighed before saying "yes. The front is pushed far beyond what it was just a few hours ago, but there are a few places that need naval support to push forward"

Ranna walked towards Southern Yamato and spoke "there's talk amongst the Dragon Federation and Orchid Republic, that the western provinces are possibly going to rebel"

Southern Yamato now chuckled "it's only been a few hours, and that's already happening. With everything happening I think the Dragon Empery will last much longer"

Ranna hesitated now before saying "there was a message that we received. The Reclaimed fleet is coming here"

Now Southern Yamato glanced over at her before asking "why?"

"They want to fight you, to gain the fleet. If they beat you, they get control of your fleet. If you win, you get whatever's left of their fleet"

Southern Yamato sighed "of course. Seems they wanted to fight me, but were scared of the rest of the Azur Lane. Now the Azur Lane will probably give what ships they can to them. Do we know when they'll arrive?"

"Sometime, tomorrow afternoon"

"That's... in like... 16 hours. Do we know the fleet composition?"

"Apparently their entire fleet. Two battleships, one battlecruiser, three carriers, eighteen heavy cruisers, twenty-six light cruisers, one hundred and eight destroyers, and twelve container ships, 170 total. Though it is unknown if they have acquired any submarines"

Southern Yamato chuckled and now turned her attention over to one of the portals before three purple lasers shot into it. "Have I told you the time when I met the Reclaimed Fleet's flagship?"

"I don't believe so"

"Her name is the Butterfly War Princess. I met her a while ago, to try and persuade her to join the Azur Lane. In the end she refused but I still learned many valuable things. She and her fleet came from a world where it was kill or be killed. But the Abyssals had a system that any fleet that defeated another would then assimilate the defeated fleet. The Reclaimed fleet was one of the largest because of this"

"So they want your fleet? They think I'd actually serve someone who'd kill my master?" Now Southern glanced back and saw Ranna was clenching her hands into fists, though besides that she looked calm.

"Well... I don't think you'll be put in a position like that" Southern Yamato said "I didn't plan on it, but I want to use it as an example"

"An example for what, master?"

"The Azur Lane thinks that I wanted to destroy them completely. If I did, they'd already be dead, but there would be billions of people dead. But I want to use the Reclaimed Fleet as an example. To show just how powerful I am, yet that I hold back so much"

"How much of a threat is the Reclaimed fleet? I think I could probably take their fleet on"

"You probably could, though with a little difficulty, though you'd need to plan ahead. I could wipe their entire fleet out in a single strike"

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