Chapter 7: San Diego Naval base! And new friends!

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World "lost battleship of the Southern Trench" time skip 1 day, location 205 kilometers Southwest of San Diego

Now Airi could be seen alongside a Guardian, 12 X-class and an Omicron-class. They were traveling northeastward, towards San Diego. Though they hadn't yet been seen. Airi though had been made to look like she was beaten up previously, so that it wasn't odd for a completely well Abyssal arriving after getting chased.

"We're getting close to where their standard picket lines are" the Omicron class said "the rest of us are going to slow down, Airi. Speed up until there is a kilometer separation. Then we'll begin firing at each other, just remember to hold your punches"

Airi nodded and now sped up to full speed. She readied her weapons, and also readied a distress signal she'd soon send. Though she was nervous as she was about to go into the heart of enemy territory, and would be in high danger if she was found out. Though now she looked back and could see that the fleet was almost a kilometer away.

She sighed before firing her main guns backwards, though of course making sure not to legitimately hit them. The fleet fired back and the shells landed all around. She saw the massive pillars of water nearby and was thankful that they weren't legitimately trying to hit her.

But after a moment she decided to send the distress signal "is anyone there!" She yelled over open radio "I'm being chased by a Trench and Techno Abyssal fleet. I need help! Ah!" She faked a scream like she was getting hit, as shells continued landing around her.

A moment passed before the voice of a ship girl responded back "Roger that, where is your location?" The voice was Enterprise's.

"Ah, I think about 200 kilometers from Ah!... From San Diego!" Airi yelled back.

There was a pause before Airi saw three yellow portals opening up above her. Then suddenly seven F-15s flew through and opened fire on the fleet chasing Airi. The Guardian roared as the fleet now opened fire on Enterprise's aircraft. But 7 of the 12 X-class were immediately destroyed. The fleet seemed to stop moving before fleeing through a purple portal.

Now Airi was all alone with Enterprise's aircraft. The aircraft flew around Airi seeing who she was. Though now Airi slowed down and made it seem she had been straining herself. Now Enterprise said "are you in need of repairs?"

Airi panted heavily now and said "yeah... I think I do"

Suddenly a yellow portal opened up in front of Airi. She saw through it and could see what looked like a base on the other side. Then a ship girl came through.

She had short light brown hair tied up in a ponytail, blue eyes, and a large bust. She wore a black serafuku with a blue ribbon, underneath the serafuku was a white dress. Behind her was a radar array on what looked like a backpack, attached to the left side of the backpack was an angled flight deck. Attached to the right side was a modernized superstructure, with a small platform attached to it with a few anti-air guns.

She held what looked to be an m1903 Springfield rifle, though she wasn't pointing it at Airi. This was the newly modernized Essex class, Intrepid.

She walked through the portal and onto the water and seemed distressed. She spoke, though it seemingly wasn't to Airi "Ahh jeez, Enterprise! she's all beat up" She sailed towards Airi and now held her rifle in one hand, and now grabbed onto Airi to tow her "Come on I'll help you" she said in an upbeat voice.

Airi and Intrepid now sailed through the portal and were suddenly on the docks in San Diego. Though they were soon met by Enterprise who stared at Airi for a moment, before looking towards Intrepid. "Take her to the repair baths immediately, Intrepid. I need to make sure that fleet doesn't stay around. Once she's repaired take her to the Admiral"

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