Chapter 10: A reveal/new enemies

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Time skip 2¼ hours, Location San Diego naval base, just outside Admiral Falcon's office

Now Betty, Eliza, Alice, and Airi could be seen just outside of Admiral Falcon's office. Airi was still very afraid of telling the Admiral the truth so the 3 patrol boats were alongside her. Though Alice currently held the meowfficer, which seemed to have taken a liking to her.

"Ok, so remember Airi, we're right beside you to help you with this" Betty said. Airi hesitated before nodding. After she did this, Betty knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Admiral Falcon said, though the door muffled his voice.

"It's the PG-01 back from patrol. We've got something to report" Betty said, she raised her voice since the door muffled speech.

"You can come in"

Now Betty opened the door and the 4 walked into the room. Though Airi opted to stay behind Betty, the funny thing was she was taller than Betty, so she wasn't really hidden. Admiral Falcon smiled briefly before seeing the nervous face Airi had. Though he looked to the others and saw Alice holding the Lost meowfficer.

He sighed as he leaned back in his chair "ah, you found something the R&D people have been looking for" he paused for a moment before asking "what's wrong?"

"Uh, Sir, something has come up with Airi. She needs to say the truth about something" Betty said.

Airi hesitated as Falcon's gaze was now on her. But now she said "I was a spy for Southern Yamato. That cat thing, wasn't lost, because I stole it"

Admiral Falcon let out a heavy sigh. He seemed to think for a long moment, looking away from the 4 of them. It was hard to tell if he was angry or not, which was the scariest thing for Airi.

But now as he was quiet Betty spoke "Sir, I must add that she is also willing to switch to our side"

Admiral Falcon let out another heavy sigh before sitting up in his chair. Though after a moment of silence he chuckled "I'm sure you're worried I was going to send you off to get killed over this, but actually it's quite common for us to get foreign spies turned defector. Though this does mean more paperwork for me"

"Uh, Sir there's something else. Airi also has important information on the whereabouts of Southern Yamato's true base. And a minor knowledge of some future plans"

"You know her base is?"

"Yes" Airi said "it's in the Tonga Trench"

"So the Indian Ocean was just a Red herring. That makes me trust Ramka even less. Either she's either still loyal to Yamato or she was misunderstood. But what was it about future plans?"

Airi hesitated "I don't know it fully. I was never told about it, but I got it from seeing some maps. That it looks like they're planning something in China"

"China?" Now Admiral Falcon looked away from them and thought for a moment "the riots and protests there have calmed down" he said "but the Chinese government thinks something big is coming. That just proves it" he sighed now "I want to talk with you later Airi about other things, but for now I need to get in contact with Enterprise to tell her what you just said. And for what is happening in China. For now you can go, but keep this matter secret for now"

"Oh" Airi said before hesitating "can I tell Intrepid about this? I don't want to continue lying to her"

"Intrepid left while you were out on patrol"


"Don't worry, she didn't get relocated to another base. I can't tell you exactly where, or exactly what she is doing, but there is an experiment. What exactly that experiment is is top secret. But she'll most likely be back in a few hours" though now he inhaled deeply before sighing "you can tell her, but make sure it is in private. For now I don't want it getting out too much, Yamato might find out if it get spread to much"

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