Chapter 13

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"Soon this hotel will be open for business" He said pouring some wine into two plastic glasses he found in the lobby.

I took a sip of my drink, then said, "Mason this place is beautiful. I walked around looking and feeling everything. There were large columns right by the front doors that overlooked floor to ceiling windows. This night sky was beautifully framed with luxurious, red, silk curtains. The front stretched the length of the back wall, and made of solid oak. There were couches made of a soft, pearly white material, and the floors were an expensive white and grey marble. There were paintings hung on the walls that looked very expensive. I let myself get lost in the art work. I've always loved paintings. Everything was equally beautiful.

"Come on" Mason said and held out his hand for me to take.

I followed him into an elevator that we rode to the highest floor. There was only one room that was separated from the elevator with two large doors. Mason opened the room with a master key.

"The imperial suite" He said turning on the lights. The suite was just as beautiful as the lobby, maybe even nicer. It was the size of my house. Everything was pure white. The counters, the floor, the walls, the furniture, everything. I was scared to touch it.

"I can't believe you designed all this." I said

Mason then grabbed my arm and led me into the bedroom. By the time we got there my shoes were already off and his suit jacket was laying on the floor in the living room. So there we stood staring at each other both trying to take in the moment. I turn and let him unzip my dress. He kisses me all down my back and then gently pulls the straps off my shoulders, continuing to kiss the shape of my body. I gently lie him back onto the king sized bed. He props himself up onto his elbows, I still standing on the plush carpet. I let my dress fall to the floor and climb on top of him. I kiss him slowly at first, slightly timid, then, we both sink into the moment. I hear his phone ringing just outside the bedroom but he ignores it. It rings a few more times, he also ignores those. I'm his only distraction tonight. For once in my life it feels like everything is exactly where it should be.

The next morning I wake up to the sun streaming through the window. I reach my arm over to grab Mason but he isn't there. I get up and take a long hot shower. I replay the events of last night in my head. The way our bodies fit together as one. The connection we had together, the chemistry, it was electrifying. I put on the button up shirt that Mason was wearing last night, along with my panties, and step into the living room of the gorgeous hotel room. Everything is so much prettier in the day because of the way the light hits all the white sparkles. It's breathtaking.

I find Mason in the kitchen, cooking pancakes in his underwear. I have no idea where he got the ingredients for pancakes but he was always full of surprises when we were together. He is dancing and singing to a song on the radio, using a Woden spoon as a microphone. He sees me and grabs my waist and twirls me around in the kitchen. I laugh as he sings completely off tune. For one quick second, I let myself forget that Mason is married, and just cheated on his wife. I also forgot that I was leaving for med. School. I let myself be happy, for just one quick second.

When the song ends he says "Good morning beautiful" He then kisses me passionately on the lips. He makes me a plate of pancakes, and pulls out my chair, motioning for me to sit down next to him.

I take a bite and they're amazing. "Oh my god Mason! When did you learn how to cook?" I say shoving another piece into my mouth.

"After you left I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I actually discovered I'm a pretty good cook." He says and flips another pancake into the air and catches in the pan with ease. "I would love to cook you dinner, how about tonight?" He asks.

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